Custom Function: Create_Ticket_in_Zoho_Desk

Custom Function: Create_Ticket_in_Zoho_Desk

Zoho Desk is customer service software which allows you to address customer concerns. This custom function can be used to post a job as a ticket in Zoho Desk. 


Sign up for Zoho Desk and create a department. The ticket will be created in the specified organization and department in Zoho Desk. 
Note : The ticket will be raised in Zoho Desk from the Job requestor's account.

Business Scenario

If your customer raises a concern or a bug as a job in Orchestly, you can transfer it to Zoho Desk as a ticket using this custom function.  

Steps to configure the custom function

Before executing this custom function, you will have to configure the arguments and authorizate connections. Follow the below steps to configure the function. 

1. Configure the Arguments

First, configure Argument Values for all the parameters used in the custom function. You can either specify the Custom Value or choose a Layout Field from the dropdown. Layout fields capture dynamic values from job fields corresponding to the custom function.  

  • orgName : Specify your organization’s name. This will be available in Orchestly’s URL (<orgName>/<module>). 

  • requestorName : Specify the name of the job requestor. You can choose the  Requestor  Layout Field here. The ticket will be raised in Zoho Desk using the requestor's name.

  • jobTitle : Specify the title of the job to be posted as a ticket. You can choose the Title  Layout Field here.

  • jobID : Choose the  Job ID Layout Field here. You can also specify the ID of the job. This will be available in the Job URL ( /<org-name>/<job>/<jobID>). 

  • deskOrgID : Specify your Zoho Desk organization ID. 

  • departmentID : Specify the ID of the department in your Zoho Desk organization where the ticket is to be posted. 

2. Provide authorization using Connections

Connections helps you authenticate the API call for specific scopes of Orchestly and other internal Zoho applications used in the custom function. 

    1.   Invoke Connections to authorize your Orchestly account.

  • Click the  +Connections button in  Custom Functions . A new tab will open in your browser. 

  • Click  Add Connection in the top-right corner.

  • Choose  Zoho Oauth  from the  Pick Your Service tab.

  • Enter a  Connection Name and choose the  Scopes : 'Orchestly.job.ALL', 'Orchestly.user.ALL',   'Orchestly.attachment.ALL', 'Desk.contacts.READ', '', 'Desk.contacts.CREATE', and '' to connect. 

    2.   After successful authentication, include the connection details in the response block of the custom function. 

                  e.g: connection : <Connection-name>

Once the above steps are configured, you are all set to execute the custom function. 

Create_Ticket_in_Zoho_Desk  is a part of Orchestly's pre-define custom functions available in Function Gallery. However, you can also write your own  custom functions  in Orchestly. 

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