Customer Console

Customer Console

The Customer Console is a toolbar that opens in the Zoho Lens customer app. The console is available to the customer during a remote assistance session and comes with a range of functions that aid in communication. 

The functionavailable to a customer are: 

Spatial Points

Spatial points are specific points that are detected by Zoho Lens in the area the smartphone camera is pointed at. The spatial points can be viewed by both the technician and the customer. These points help you to be more precise while using 3-D annotation during a session. Tap on  to turn visibility of the spatial points on or off.

3-D Annotation

3-D annotation lets the customer point to a specific point in the space their camera is capturing. To make an annotation, customers can tap on a spatial point on any object they want to annotate. The annotation placed on an object will remain even if the smartphone camera is pointed away from the object. Customers can currently place 3D arrows on objects. During the session, they will be able to place up to 20 arrows at any given time. 

Note: Arrows placed by the technician and customer will be differentiated based on color.

2D Annotation

This option lets you to mark up and highlight on your smartphone's camera stream. With this feature, you'll be able to show the experts specific regions which demand more attention.

Video Quality

The option lets the customer set the video quality to stream to the technician in. Customers can tap on HD to set the outgoing camera stream to high definition.


You can use this option to turn on the smartphone's flashlight right from the Zoho Lens app. To use this option, tap on  in the customer console. This feature is only available to iOS customers.


Turn Camera Off or On 

Customers can choose to turn their camera off or on at any time during a session. Tap on  to use this feature.


Mute or Unmute Microphone 

The customer can mute on or unmute their microphone during a session. Tap on  to mute or unmute your microphone.

Text Chat 

The customer can interact with you using the built-in chat option. Tap on the chat icon at right-top corner to open the chat window and slide down to close the chat window.

Clear Screen

This option lets you clear all the annotations you've marked on the screen. Tap on  to clear the screen   .

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