Customize a health insurance proposal form and track its stages

Customize a health insurance proposal form and track its stages

Feature: Module Customization | Edition: Enterprise


Emma Wilkins is a Senior Sales Manager at a health insurance company. They offer custom-made insurance plans based on different coverage levels that cater to individuals and organizations. The interested clients usually call their customer care agent or send them emails to enquire about the available policies. The insurance agents ask questions to help them understand the customer's requirements so they can offer a comprehensive Health Insurance plan. Once the proposal forms are filled out, they progress through different stages—submitted, reviewed, payment link sent, payment received, and policy created. 
Now, as numerous forms are filled out and submitted on a daily basis, Emma finds it difficult to monitor and track the progress of the forms from one stage to another. This also prevents her from noticing potential delays at any particular stage. 
Emma wants to replicate the proposal form in one of the CRM modules to depict the different stages of the form. 

Emma can create a custom module with the required custom fields and sections as in the proposal forms. However, custom modules don't allow Emma to include a way of tracking the stages in the CRM layout. One of the standard modules (the Deals module) in CRM does represent stages within the layout, exactly the way Emma wants. She therefore decides to customize the Deals module and renamed it "Proposal Form" to depict the different stages of the form.

Here's how she can do that:
1. Rename the Deals module to "Proposal Form".
2. Create a custom layout called "New Proposal Form" in the Proposal Form module.
3. Move standard fields that cannot be deleted to a new section in the layout.
4. Create new sections and add the following custom fields to the layout:

Section: Proposal Form Information 

Field Name
Data Type
Additional Information
Policy Holder First Name
Single Line
Click the More icon and select Mark as required to make this field mandatory
Policy Holder Last Name
Single Line
Click the More icon and select Mark as required to make this field mandatory
Single Line
Date of Birth
Click the More icon and select Mark as required to make this field mandatory
Click the More icon and select Edit Properties. Check the Encrypt Field box to enable data encryption for this field
Marital Status
Pick List
Married, Unmarried, Divorced
Pick List
Male, Female, Other
Pick List
Post-Graduate, Graduate, Diploma, Others
Pick List
Self-employed, Salaried, House wife, Student, Other
Annual Income

Section: Address 

Field Name
Data Type
Additional Information
Click the More icon and select Edit Properties. Check the Show Tool Tip option and add the following text to the Info Icon text box "We will send your policy and all other important documents here".
Single Line
Single Line
Pick List
Click Add Options in Bulk and choose Manual Entry. Add the names of the States sequentially and click Add choices.

Section: Plan Details

Field Name
Data Type
Additional Information
Proposed Policy From Date
Proposed Policy To Date
Pick List
Gold, Silver, Platinum
Do you wish to opt for a 20% co-payment?
Sum Insured

Section: Documents for Verification 

Field Name
Data Type
Proof of Address
File upload
Proof of Identity
File upload

Subform: Nominee Details

A subform is a secondary form within the primary form. The Nominee Details section will be a subform to collect required details such as name, age, and other identity-related information. While the primary form is still about the insurance policy holder, the subform is a table with details about their nominees. 

Field Name
Data Type
Nominee Name
Single Line
Single Line
Nominee Age
Nominee Address
Claim Percentage


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