Customize your email campaign

Customize your email campaign

Customize the look and feel of your header and footer details. You can add, or edit the following:
  1. View in Browser: This is the banner which helps to open the email in a separate browser tab/window.
  2. Update Profile: It lets the customer to update his profile.
  3. Subscribe: It lets the recipients subscribe to email notifications, updates and newsletters.
  4. Tell-a-Friend: It lets the recipient to share the campaign content.
  5. Unsubscribe: It lets the contact unsubscribe from your mailing list. The contact will be moved to Do Not Mail Registry.
To add header and footer to your email campaign:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Campaigns and select Regular Campaigns.
  2. Select the campaign for which you want to add the header and footer theme.
  3. In campaign detail view, click Edit and select Content on the top-right.
  4. In the content preview page, select the header and footer theme from the drop-down menu.
If you don't want these links to be reflected as part of the Header & Footer section, you can use Merge Tags to embed Header & Footer links within the campaign content. 

Merge Tags

Related Links


Subscribe Link


Unsubscribe Link


Tell a Friend Link


Update Profile Link


View in Browser Link


Company Address

Note :   If you have selected None (No Header and Footer) as part of the campaign theme, then you must add the unsubscribe tag $[LI:UNSUBSCRIBE]$ to your campaign content. Only then will you be able to disable the header and footer.

Adding preheader text to an email campaign

A preheader is a short summary that follows your subject line when your email is listed in the inbox.  The short summary talks about your email content and the purpose is to arouse curiosity and make the email recipient open the email campaign.
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Campaigns and select Regular Campaigns.
  2. In the email campaign creation process, you can add the preheader text after you draft the email content.
  3. In the content preview page, click Add Preheader  as shown in the image below.

How to edit the plain text version of an email campaign?

A plain text version is the text-only version of an HTML email with no images and formatting or layout options. When an HTML email is sent, a plain-text version of that email is sent along with it. This is due to the fact that some email clients do not support HTML version. However, it is recommended to preview and edit your plain-text version before it is sent. You can edit the pain text version of an email campaign by following the instructions as below:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Campaigns and select Regular Campaigns.
  2. Select the campaign for which you want to edit the plain text version.
  3. In campaign detail view, click Edit and select Plain Text Content on the top-right.
  4. Edit the content and click Save.
  5. You can also edit plain text content in the content preview page.
  6. In the content preview page, click the down arrow next to Edit Content and select Edit Plain Text.
  7. Edit the content and click Save.

Share your email campaign on social media

You can also include merge tags for sharing the email campaign on Facebook, Twitter and, LinkedIn. This will allow your contacts to share your email campaign on social media. Let’s take a look at the different types of Social Share Tags.

In the template editor page, you can find social merge tags from the drop-down menu. Just click the specific merge tag and it will be reflected in your campaign content. We’ll provide the link or icon depending upon the type of merge tag selected for the sharing.


Link Based Tags
These are social sharing links which allow your contact to share the campaign on social sites such as Facebook and Twitter.
To share on Facebook - $[SS:FBLIKELINK]$
To share on Twitter -$[SS:TWTWEETLINK]$

Icon Based Tags
These are social sharing icons which allow your contact to share the campaign on social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. In an icon based tag, “Like” is the title tag and “Like this” is the Alt text for the icon.
To share on Facebook - $[SS:FBLIKEICON|Like|Like this]$
To share on Twitter - $[SS:TWTWEETICON|Tweet|Tweet this]$

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