

The dashboard, or the summary page, provides you with all the information regarding a particular survey in one place. It's arranged in such a way that there are quick access links to various functionalities of the survey from a single page.

Zoho Survey dashboard

How do I get there?

  1. Click any survey on the survey home page.
  2. Click Summary in the left pane.


What can I find here?

Editor and Settings

The left side of the page displays details such as the created and modified dates of the survey. If your survey is active, you will see a green button that says 'Active'. This section also displays the current theme that has been used in your survey. 

editor and settings section

What can I do here?

  • Click Edit survey to make necessary edits to your survey.
  • Click Settings to make changes to the survey settings.
  • Click Edit theme if you want to change the theme.


If you are yet to publish your survey, you will not find any Active button here. Instead, you will find links to preview and publish your survey. 

Edit Survey

If your survey has been closed to stop receiving responses, the status will show Inactive

Inactive Status

If your survey has already been published, a section of the page talks about reports and responses.



What can I find here?

Reports Dashboard

  • Published on: The date the survey was published
  • Last Response on: The date you got the last response on
  • Total Responses: The total number of responses you have received so far
  • Visits: The total number of visits in your survey
  • Active for: The number of days since the survey has gone live
  • Today's Responses: The number of responses you have got on that particular day
  • Click Summary of Responses to see a summary of all the responses you have got so far.
  • Click Individual Responses to take a look at the individual responses.


Responses Volume

You can find the volume of responses you have received during a particular period of time here.

Response Volume Dashboard



Scroll farther down to see the number of questions and pages your survey has in total. If you have yet to add any questions in your survey, click Add your first question to begin.

Questions and pages dashboard


Survey URL

The next section displays the live form URL of your survey. 

Click Access to take a look at it. 

Survey URL


There are also options to share your survey on various social media platforms.

  • Click Create online surveys to share your survey on Facebook.
  • Click Create online surveys to share your survey on Twitter.
  • Click Create online surveys to share your survey on LinkedIn.
  • Click Create online surveys to share your survey on Google Plus.


Recent Reports

  • Click Default Report to go to the reports page. 
  • Click By day to take a look at day to day reports.
  • Click By week to view week wise reports.
  • Click By month to view monthly reports.
  • Click By quarter to view quarter wise reports.

Recent Reports Dashboard


This section displays the list of collaborators who have access to your survey. If you have yet to add any collaborators, click Share to add collaborators to your survey.

Survey collaborators

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