Dashboards - An Overview

Dashboards - An Overview

A dashboard is a pictorial representation of your custom reports, which gives a real-time snapshot of your organization's key metrics. Using dashboards, you can easily visualize the patterns and trends in recruitment and related data.

In Zoho Recruit, the dashboard comprises of different types of two-dimensional and three-dimensional charts (components). These charts are built with Adobe Flash technology, which displays the data dynamically. The various types of charts are bar, pie, line, table, donut, area or funnel. The unique feature in Zoho Recruit is the Funnel chart, which can be used to visualize the various stages in the recruitment pipeline.
Please ensure that your Web browser supports Adobe Flash
In case your browser does not support Adobe Flash plug-in, click the Flash plug-in icon to install it.

Profile Permission Required: Access to the Dashboard Tab and Manage Reports & Dashboards permission.


  • Some of the international currency symbols will not be displayed correctly.
  • Dashboard properties (color, gradient, borders, background, etc.) cannot be modified through the user interface.
  • Dashboards need to be refreshed manually to display the up-to-minute changes.
  • Only Summary Reports can be added to the dashboard.

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