Data Analytics - An Overview

Data Analytics - An Overview

Zoho CRM enables fully customizable reports in all the modules with flexible options, such as cross-linking modules, 3-level column grouping, scheduling reports generation and delivering to the intended users including non-Zoho CRM users through e-mail. In addition, over 40 standard reports are packed in various modules, which can be used as a ready reference and enhance the learning experience.

Dashboards give a real-time snapshot of your organization's key metrics. Using dashboards you can easily visualize comparisons, patterns, and trends in sales, marketing, support, and inventory related data. The Zoho CRM solution dashboard is comprised of different types of two-dimensional/three-dimensional (2D/3D) charts, which are generated dynamically and built over the Macromedia Flash technology. The unique chart is the Funnel chart, which can be used to visualize the sales pipeline at various stages intuitively.

Reports - Presentation of data or records for various modules as per requirement. Learn more

Dashboards - A pictorial representation of your custom report data, which gives a real-time snapshot of your organization's key metrics. Learn more
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