Data Migration

Data Migration

Thank you for considering Zoho Recruit. If you are ready to migrate data from your ATS account to Zoho Recruit, follow the steps given below or contact us to assist you with the migration. Or, if you want us to do the migration for you, please fill in a request at

Profile Permission Required:Users with the Data Migration permission in their profile can access this feature.  

Supported Modules

These are the supported modules that you can migrate from other ATS software to Zoho Recruit.

  • Users

  • Candidates

  • Clients

  • Contacts

  • Job Openings

  • Campaigns   

  • Attachments  

  • Notes

  • Tasks

  • Interviews

Import Sequence

For best results, migrate your data (tabs/modules) in the sequence given below while importing data into Zoho Recruit.
Users => Campaigns => Candidates => Clients => Contacts => Job Openings => Solutions => Notes => Tasks => Interviews =>Attachments.


  • You cannot import custom tabs/modules from other ATS to Zoho Recruit.
  • Based on the application from which you are migrating data, you may skip a couple of modules that are not relevant.


We recommend you to go through the following points to know about the migration process before you start.

  • The files should be in CSV format.
  • The file size can be a maximum of 10 GB. There is also a limit of 200 on the number of files that you can migrate at a time.
  • You can upload a Zip file which should have the following structure:

Data files from Zoho Recruit or any other ATS - There are two folders in this case. The Data folder should have all the data files, including the CSV file that contains information on the record and attachment mappings. The Attachments folder should contain the source files used as attachments in the Recruit account.

  • The above-mentioned folder structure is crucial for the Zoho Recruit system to identify and map attachment to the records during migration. In some cases, when you unzip files, extra folders are created. Make sure to delete them and maintain the structure mentioned.
  • Tab or modules cannot be migrated as a whole into Zoho Recruit but you can always migrate the data from those modules. During the migration, Zoho Recruit identifies the data and suggests custom modules that can be created to accommodate the data.
  • Similarly, Zoho Recruit will suggest custom fields that are available in the import file but not in Zoho Recruit. If required, you can create these fields before the migration.
  • Based on the application from which you are migrating data, you can customize it the way you need them. 
  • When user data is migrated, only the first 2000 records will be imported.
  • Two or more files can be mapped to a module. In this case, the column header in all the files should be the same, only then you can map them to a single module.

Migration Checklist

Before migrating data into Zoho Recruit, please go through the following checklist:

  1. File format - All the files to be imported should be in CSV format. Any other format is not supported.
  2. Date and Time format - The Date in the import file must be in yyyy-MM-dd format. (For example, 2010-05-01). The Date & Time in import file must be yyyy-MM-dd
    HH:mm:ss. format. (For example, 2010-05-01 11.55.26). Date / Date & Time values in any other format will be ignored during import. You can change the format in your
    CSV file by following the steps given below:
    • Select the Date column, right click on the column and choose Format Cells.
    • In the Format Cells pop-up window, select Custom category.
    • Enter the date format as yyyy-MM-dd and the date & time format as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  3. Checkbox fields - The values for checkbox type fields in the import file should be either "True" or "False”. Imported data from checkbox fields are converted in Zoho Recruit as follows:
    True - If checkbox is selected
    False - If checkbox is not selected
  4. Multi-select pick list fields - The values should be separated by a semi-colon in the import file.
  5. Custom fields
    - You might have created custom fields in your Recruit account. You can import the custom field data in Zoho Recruit, only if you create the same custom fields for the respective modules in your Zoho Recruit account. You can create the custom fields by following the steps given below:  
    • Navigate to Setup > Customization > Modules.
    • Choose a module from the list of modules.
    • In the Layouts tab add additional custom fields to the selected module as per your requirements.
    • Click Save Layout.
  6. In the Fields tab, you can view the list of fields created for the selected module. 
  7. Migrating Users - You will not be able to migrate users who already have a separate Zoho Recruit account. Only when the users close their separate account with Zoho Recruit can they be imported in your company's Recruit account.
  8. Add One More User - If you have added only 1 user in your Recruit account, please add another user before migration. To add another user, navigate to Setup > Users & Control > Users. You don’t have to create all the users manually, as you will be importing users in CSV file in Zoho Recruit.
  9. Update Mandatory Fields - In your import file, you need to have data for all the mandatory fields in Zoho Recruit. For example, "Last Name" is a mandatory field in Zoho Recruit. Make sure that the "Last Name" column in your Leads import file has values. For the records that do not have a last name, you need to specify the values as 'not provided', 'none' etc.

  Note: If there are no values for the mandatory fields, the corresponding record will be ignored while importing.

Migrate Data

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.
  2. Navigate to Setup > Data Administration > Migrate to other ATS.
  3. In the Data Migration page, select the module that you want to import.
    You need to import the records in the same sequence as it is listed in the drop-down.            
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Migrate Users page, browse and select the import file.
  6. Under Advanced Options, do the following: 
    • Select the Character Encoding for the CSV file.
    • Select the Date and Time format used in the import field. Any other date and time format used in the import file will be ignored.
    • The format that you specify here will be used for the Date fields and a combination of the values for Date&Time fields.
    • Select the Send Notification Email checkbox, to receive a notification mail about the import.
    • Click Next.
  7. In the Map Fields section, make sure that you map all the mandatory fields.
    The field names that you had mentioned in the CSV file will be available in the drop-down lists.
  8. Click CreateCustom Fields if you want to add new fields during the migration and add data to them. (Skip to step 11 if you do not want to create fields)
    You have the option to create a maximum of 50 fields during the migration. This limit is inclusive of the overall limit for custom fields in your Zoho Recruit Edition.
  9. In the Create Custom Fields
    pop-up, do the following:
    • Modify the field labels, if required.
      All the fields that are not available in Zoho Recruit and not mapped for migration will be listed, along with the column numbers in the import file.
    • Select the FieldType from the drop-down list.
      Autonumber and Formula will not be listed. You cannot create these fields during migration.
    • Click Create.
      The field will be created and mapped to the columns in the import file.
    • Click Close to go to the migration page and continue the migration process.
    • Click Next to import records.
  10. When the migration is complete an email is sent to the user (administrator) who imported the records.

Check for Data Accuracy

After importing each file, check the data that is imported. For example, after importing the users in Zoho Recruit, go to Setup >Users & Permissions > Users to check if all the users are imported. Follow the same steps for Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. If you think the data is not imported properly or the fields have been wrongly mapped, you can delete the imported records and import them again.

In case you are stuck in any of the steps above, please feel free to contact us at or if you would like us to do the migration, please fill in the form and one of our representatives will contact you shortly.

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