Default Roles & Profiles

Default Roles & Profiles

In Zoho Recruit, Roles and Profiles are designed to maintain data security. Roles govern what information users can view, and profiles govern what actions they can perform with that data. Listed below are the default roles and profiles provided by Zoho Recruit, as well as some content on what each role and profile does.

Staffing Edition


Recruiter Admin:
Can view all organizational data, irrespective of data sharing rules and module access.

Can view data that belongs to them but not other users (If modules are set to private)

Can view all organizational data (Similar to admins)

Only able to see data created by or related to them. If the user is the assigned interviewer, then they can view the candidate record and the job opening associated with the interview.

Client Administrator:
[Client portal] Can view all job openings related to their Client ID from their portal account

Client Interviewer:
[Client portal] Can view job openings under their Client ID for which they are the assigned interviewer


Complete control over hierarchy setup and data permissions across the organization

Can manage end-to-end hiring processes in the organization

Can only make interview decisions scheduled for them and log activities (notes) to any data

Can only make interview decisions scheduled to them

Client Administrator:
[Client portal] Can create job openings and submit feedback (notes) for all records

Client Interviewer:
[Client portal] Can submit feedback for the records assigned to them

Corporate Edition


Recruiter Admin:
Can view all organizational data irrespective of data sharing rules and module access

Can view data that belongs to them but not other users (if modules are set to private)

Hiring Manager:
Can view candidate and job opening data, access referrals, and submit interview feedback (if they are an interviewer)

Can view referrals and notes


Complete control over hierarchy setup and data permissions across the organization

Can manage end-to-end hiring processes in the organization

Hiring Manager:
Can create jobs, review submitted candidates, and add notes

Can create referrals and submit interview feedback (if they are part of the interview process).
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