Default View

Default View

Default view lists all the work items in the team across projects, epics, and sprints.  To navigate to Default View, click    in the upper-right corner of your screen. 

Feature Availability:  Professional plan  
  • Open Work Items - Work items in the open status across projects.
  • Closed Work Items - Work items in the closed status across projects.
  • Open Bugs - Bugs in the open status across projects.
  • Closed Bugs - Bugs in the closed status across projects.
  • Work items in Backlog - Work items in the backlogs across projects.
  • Created by me - Work items that are assigned to you.
  • Recently reported bugs - Bugs that were recently reported in the portal. 
  • Recently fixed bugs - Bugs that are recently fixed.
  • Log Hours - The hours logged by all the work items in your portal across projects. 

Types of views

There are two different types of views:

In Log Hours section, you can view all the details right from the log owner, billing status, who approved the log hours, date of the log hours etc.  

Search for work items in global view  

You can also find the work items that you are looking for. 
  1. Navigate to    in the upper-right corner.
  2. Select    next to Item.
  3. Enter the item name or #ID to search for the work item. 
  4. Click on the item to navigate to its details page. (You can also select the other fields to navigate to its details page). 

Customize columns

You can customize the columns by enabling the toggle against the column names. Columns can be switched On or Off , and you can click Save to view only the specified column names.

Filter work items in global view

You can even set filter criteria to search for relevant work items. 
  1. Navigate to   in the upper-right corner.
  2. Choose a section from the view. 
  3. Click    next to the view name.
  4. Set the filter criteria and click Apply Filter.

Add timers 

You can also add timers for the work items in the log hours section. 
  1. Navigate to     in the upper-right corner. 
  2. Select a section from the Default View
  3. Click Start Timer next to the work item name.
  4. Pause or Stop the timer if required. 
Note: You can only start the timer for work items assigned to you. 

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