Deleting files and folders in Desktop Sync

Deleting files and folders in Desktop Sync

When you delete files and folders from the WorkDrive Sync folder in your desktop, a confirmation dialog will open. Upon confirmation, the selected files and folders will be deleted from the WorkDrive folder.
  1. The same files and folders will be deleted in the WorkDrive account on the cloud and in all other computers where Desktop Sync is connected.

  2. If the files and folders have been shared with your team members, they can no longer access them once deleted.

You can mark the checkbox at the bottom of the delete dialog to hide the confirmation dialog until the next restart of your Desktop Sync app.

When files and folders are deleted, users can only restore them from the WorkDrive web app.
Refer to help documents to restore files and folders from Team Folders and My Folders.

Moving files and folders outside the WorkDrive folder in your desktop

When you move files and folders outside the WorkDrive Sync folder in your desktop, the files will be removed from the WorkDrive folder, and this will be considered as a delete action in WorkDrive. All delete action use cases mentioned above will apply here, as well.

You cannot delete Zoho format files (i.e. Writer, Sheet, and Show files) from Desktop Sync. You need to go to WorkDrive web or mobile app to delete these files.

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