Deleting Staff

Deleting Staff

Super admins and admins can view and edit this information. Managers can only view this information. Staff members will not have access to this information.

To delete a staff member, click the  icon in the top-right corner, then navigate to Staff

Click the staff member you wish to delete, then click the delete icon in the top-right corner.

Details of a staff member cannot be retrieved after deletion.

Deleting a staff members with upcoming appointments

If the service you are looking to delete has upcoming appointments, you will be asked to cancel those appointments before you can delete them. A staff member cannot be deleted unless all their upcoming appointments are over, or the appointments have been canceled. You can also mark the staff member as "Inactive" instead of deleting them altogether. This will restrict customers from making further appointments with that staff member. When you click Reschedule appointments, you will be taken to the appointments list page, where you can check and cancel the appointments.

Deleting a staff member with past appointments

If the staff member you are looking to delete has past appointments, you can choose what happens with the history of appointments after the staff is deleted. The history of appointments can be deleted for both, you and the customers, or you can delete it only from your bookings account while keeping it available for customers which they can view in their portal or through a bookmarked link.

Deleting a staff member associated to a group booking service

To delete a staff member who is currently associated to a group booking, replace that staff with another for the group booking, then delete the staff member. This is because Group Bookings need at least one staff member associated with them. You can also mark the staff member as "Inactive" instead of deleting them altogether. This will restrict customers from making further appointments with that staff member.
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