Deliver a Face to Face Session using ShowTime Web

Deliver a Face to Face Session using ShowTime Web

ShowTime Web offers a better way to deliver a face-to-face session to attendees who are in the same room with you and a remote session to attendees who are globally dispersed. It's typical to see a presenter tethered to their laptop in order to move through their slides. ShowTime allows you to cut the cord and move around the room, controlling your presentation through a mobile device or clicker.

There are two ways to deliver a session with ShowTime:
  • Through your laptop, using ShowTime Web or PowerPoint.
  • Through your mobile phone, using the ShowTime Presenter app.
Deliver a face-to-face session using ShowTime Web

1.Click the Create Session button in the upper right corner of the screen.

2. Enter the name of your session in the pop-up window.
3. Select Face-to-Face Session as the session type. (Learn more about scheduling a face-to-face session.
4. Customize your scheduled session and promote the session details to your trainees.
5. Select a presentation and click the Launch button to begin the session and display the instruction slide to attendees.
6. They'll see instructions on how to join the session, using their mobile phones via the Viewer app or a mobile browser.
7. Click Start on the instruction screen to begin your session.

Join From a Mobile Device

There are three ways for attendees to join your session from their mobile devices:

Connect through a web browser: The attendee goes to and enters the audience key from the instruction slide.
Connect through a "Join" link: The attendee clicks the Join link sent in the registration email.
Connect through the Viewer app: The attendee downloads the Viewer app from the Play Store or App Store launches the app, and enters the audience key.

Once attendees are connected, they can use their mobile devices to view your slides, answer poll questions, pose questions about slides, and "like" other attendee's questions.

Forward and Back

You can navigate forward and back in your presentation using the arrow buttons at the bottom-right corner of the screen, or with the arrow, Page Up, and Page Down keys on your keyboard. Attendees will be able to view your current slide and all slides that preceded it.
Go to Slide

To jump around between slides, click the Go to Slide button at the bottom-right corner of the screen. You can see each slide's number and heading, and choose the one you want to jump to.

Use Slide Tools

If you were presenting on a whiteboard, you might need a marker or ruler to highlight the important words. ShowTime offers built-in presentation tools like Arrow, Pointer, Pen,Highlighter, and Show Ink Mark up to help bring attendee focus to your key points.

To access slide tools:
  • Click the Arrow button at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  • Select the tool you want to use.

Answer questions

The Questions tab offers a way for attendees to interact with you by posing questions throughout the session. Decide which questions are relevant and make answering them part of your session. Attendees will see the questions you've chosen to display and can "up-vote" or "down-vote" them.

To answer an attendee's question:

  1. You will see a notification appear when an attendee asks a question.
  2. Click the Questions button to view the question. You will see two sections, Questions and Answered.
  3. Click the Questions section to see new questions and the name of the attendee who asked each one.
  4. If you want to display the question to the attendees, click the Project button. Attendees will be able to view it on their devices and on the projector. Once you've displayed and answered the question, it will move to the Answered section.

Start a Poll

Create or import polls during the session to keep your session engaging and interactive.

Create a poll
  1. Click the Polls tab on the left side of the screen and select Create Poll.
  2. Choose a poll format from the pop-up window.
  3. Enter a question, set options for response, and click Create.
  4. To learn more about creating polls, click here.
Import a poll from your Poll Library
  1. Click the Polls tab and select Import from Library.
  2. Select a poll from the pop-up window and click Import.
Start a poll
  1. Click the Polls tab and select a poll from the menu.
  2. Click Start Poll.
  3. The poll will appear in a pop-up window on your attendees' mobile devices.
  4. Click View Results to display the poll results to your attendees.
Edit or delete an existing poll
  1. Click the Polls tab on the left side of the screen.
  2. Hover over the poll to see the Edit and Delete options.
  3. Click Edit to make changes to your poll, then click the Update button.
  4. Click Delete to remove your poll from the session. You will be asked to verify the action by clicking the Delete button.
Note: Deleting a poll that you imported will remove it from your presentation, but it will remain in your Poll Library. Polls created during the session will not be stored in the Poll Library if deleted.

End the broadcast
You can exit the session at any time by clicking End Broadcast at the bottom-left corner of the screen. However, you must reach the last slide in your presentation for it to be considered "complete."

Get instant feedback

At the end of your presentation:

A "Session details" summary will appear on your screen. View details like the name of the session, the total number of attendees, the time duration of your session, and the number of slides presented.

A rating window will appear on attendees' screens. Ask them to rate and provide feedback about your session. When they submit the rating and feedback, a customized thank you message from the presenter will pop up on their devices.
.Feedback and Rating
To learn more about session analytics, click here.
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