Deploying sandbox changes to production

Deploying sandbox changes to production

The configurations you have made in the Sandbox account are listed under the Change Set section in your Sandbox page in the Recruit account.

To deploy Sandbox changes to production,
  1. Go to Setup > Developer Space > Sandbox.
  2. In the Change Set section, the changes made in the Sandbox account are listed along with the details such as module, action, user, date, etc.
  3. Click the funnel icon at the right end to apply filters. You can filter based on the module, user, action made, date and components.
  4. You can either deploy all the changes or deploy them partially.
    1. To deploy all the changes - Click the checkbox to the left of Components & Item. It will select all the changes listed in the Change Set. Now, click Deploy changes to Production.
    2. To deploy the changes partially - Click the checkbox to the left of the specific components you want to deploy. You can select multiple components too. Now, click Deploy changes to Production.
  5. In the Start Deployment page that opens, the Qualified and Conflicted changes will be displayed.
    1. Qualified - Changes that will create no issues when deployed into the production setup.
    2. Conflicted - Changes that will create issues because of reasons like name override, exceeding feature limit, missing parent item, etc.
    3. When there are conflicting changes, those changes will not be pushed to the deployment until they are rectified.
      1. Example 1: If you have a module named Source in your production account and you create a field in that module inside the Sandbox account. However, due to some reasons, the vehicle module has been deleted. Now, if you deploy the changes to the production setup, a conflict occurs due to the missing parent item - in this case, module Source.
      2. Example 2: In the vehicle module, there is a field named insurance. When the same name has been used to create a field in the vehicle module inside the sandbox, a conflict occurs due to the name overriding.
  6. Click Yes, Proceed to finish the deployment process.
    Now, all/specific changes selected under the Change Set section will be deployed to the production.
There is a Deployment Logs tab, next to Change Set, where all the details regarding the already deployed changed will be listed. You can also use filters and view the deployment logs according to your requirements.
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