Download and Install

Download and Install

Download and install Zoho Recruit’s Resume Extractor in three simple steps.

  • Only users with access to the Candidates module and the Import Resume, Associate Candidate to Job Opening features can use Resume Extractor.

  • You must have valid Zoho Recruit login credentials.

  • You must have the Google Chrome browser installed in your system.

To download and install Zoho Recruit’s Resume Extractor:

  1. Click on the “Add To Chrome” icon in the Zoho Recruit Resume Extractor pop-up window to download the plug-in. 


  2. A dialogue box is displayed with the query Add "Zoho Recruit's Resume Extractor?

  3. Click on the Add Extension button.

  4. Resume Extractor will then be added to your Google Chrome toolbar

You can now access Zoho Recruit’s Resume Extractor by clicking on the  icon next to the address bar.

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