Download and Sign In to the App

Download and Sign In to the App

Download and Install the App

Download the Show app from the Play Store on your Android TV to watch presentations directly on your TV screen. Sign in to Zoho Show using either an email address or a social media account to access all your presentations on the TV screen.

To download an install the Zoho Show app on android tv,
1. Open the Play Store app on your Android TV. Enter "Zoho Show" in the search box and click Install.
The Zoho Show app will appear on your TV home screen.

Open the Zoho Show app on your Android TV home screen, you will see a URL link and activation code for your account. 
Enter the URL and Activation code in your computer or mobile browser, click Verify and then Accept. Your Zoho Show account will be synced with your Android TV. 

The activation code will be displayed for 300 seconds.
3. Choose a presentation from either My Presentations or Shared with Me on the left pane to play on your Android TV.

Sign Out of an Account

It is easy to sign out of your app account from the Android TV, once you are finished presenting. Click the Settings on the left pane of your screen and select Logout. 

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