Email Action Autoresponder

Email Action Autoresponder

Understanding email action autoresponder

Gaining and retaining contacts is about creating a personalized experience for your reader. Email-action based autoresponders allow you to send targeted messages and follow up with contacts based on their interactions with your email campaigns.
Listed below are few scenarios where email action based autoresponder can be made use of.
  1. Send more related emails to the campaign opened contacts.
  2. Followup with the unopened contacts with emails that will gain more of their attention.
  3. Track the link click activity of the contacts, analyze their interests and followup with them relevantly.

Create an email action autoresponder

  1. From the Navigation Toolbar choose Automation and select Autoresponders.
  2. Click Create Autoresponder. Mouse over the Email Action and click Create.
  3. Fill in the following information:
    • Name the autoresponder for your future reference.
    • Select a campaign or an autoresponder message to associate with your autoresponder. 
  4. Click Create
Note : If you're selecting an autoresponder message, it must be a signup based or date-field autoresponder message.
Create email-action autoresponder

Email-action autoresponder has two views: the tree view, and the kanban view. You can toggle between these two views using the switch in the top-right corner.

Create messages in an email action autoresponder

  1. Click Create Message button and select if your message meets one of the conditions : Unopens, opens, link clicks, specific link clicks. 
  2. Add message details and content.
  3. Click Send for Review to send your message to our spam compliance team.
  4. Once the message has been reviewed, click the Set Delay button. Here you need to define when your message should be sent relative to your reciepients' actions.
  5. Click Start Now to start your first message.
  6. You can create other series in a similar manner from either the Tree view or Kanban view.

Once created, your autoresponder will be enabled. Each message's schedule is based on when the contact does the action. You can pause and re-enable it any time you need. To stop the whole series you can disable the autoresponder.

Managing autoresponder messages

To edit the message schedule:

  1. Click the Edit icon to the right of your message.
  2. Select a time to send your message, then save your changes.
  • Any timing changes may take up to 24 hours to take effect.
  • It may take up to 30 minutes from the scheduled delivery time for the autoresponder message to be sent.
  • Schedule after one day means your message will be sent exactly 24 hours from the previous message.

To edit an email:

  1. Click the More icon next to the email you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit from the list.
  3. Make the intended changes and click Save and Exit.
  • Sent email cannot be edited.
  • Any changes in the message content must be sent for another review.

To delete an email:

  1. Click the More icon next to the email you wish to delete.
  2. Select the Delete option. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm. Click Delete to confirm

To delete a message:

In tree view:
  1. Click the Delete icon on the right side of your message. A pop-up will appear, asking you to confirm.
  2. Click Delete to confirm.
In kanban view:
  1. Click the message you wish to delete. A pop-up will appear.
  2. Click the Delete icon in the top-right corner of the pop-up.
  3. Click Delete to confirm.

Creating and managing multiple email versions

The email-action based autoresponder lets you create multiple emails under one message and have one active at any given time.

To create alternate message content:

  1. Navigate to the intended message.
    In tree view
    • Click Create another version.
    In kanban view
    • Click on the message and click the Create another version button in the pop-up. You'll be redirected to the message creation page.
  2. Add the message details and the content.
  3. Click Send for Review to send it to our compliance team.

To manage the alternate content:

After you have created alternate email, it will be listed under your existing content. Click Show more to view all of your message content. You can activate them by clicking the Activate option next to the message content. Other versions will be deactivated automatically.

Contact activity-based reports

You can view contact activity-based reports by clicking the View Source Report button found in the autoresponder details section. Here you will be shown graphical reports based on campaign opens, any link clicks, or specific link clicks.

Sending campaigns to autoresponder opened and clicked recipients

You can send campaigns to recipients who have opened and clicked your autoresponder messages.
  1. From the autoresponder timeline, navigate to the Reports section and click Send email button on the top-left corner of the screen
  2. Select from the options Opened or Unopened from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select from the options All messages or Any message from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Create.

You can now create the message, configure content and schedule the campaign.

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