Email alerts & templates

Email alerts & templates

Email alerts are notifications that are sent to the selected users (user roles or project users or client users). When an email alert is associated with a blueprint, it is automatically sent to the specified users after the transition is complete. Email templates are customized email formats which can be used while configuring the email alerts.  

Create an email alert

  1. Click in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration > Task Automation > Email Alerts.
  3. Select one of the existing Email templates from the drop-down. Else, click the Create mail template link to create a new email template.
  4. Specify the users to be notified.
    • You can select more than one user to notify i.e., You can choose the user roles or the project/client users or specify the mail ID of the users to be notified.
  5. Click  Save to proceed.

Create an email template

  1. Click in the top band.
  2. Navigate to the Portal Configuration > Task Automation > Email Templates.
  3. Click Add Email Template in the top right corner.
  4. Enter "Name", "Subject" and other details in the template.
  5. Click Insert Placeholder to insert placeholders for the task, milestone, and project-based information like Task Name, Task Status, Milestone Name, Project Name, etc.,
  6. You can insert placeholders along with your content in the Subject field and in the mail text.
    • You can either use default fields or custom fields when you insert placeholders.
  7. Click Save to proceed.

Edit / delete an email template

  1. Navigate to the Portal Configuration > Task Automation > Email Templates.
  2. Hover the mouse over the required Email Template.
  3. Click or .
  4. Update the necessary fields and click Save or confirm to delete.
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