Email Distribution

Email Distribution

Send your survey's link to your email lists within Zoho Survey, without having to switch a tab. You can also track the responses and see the details of opened, unopened, bounced, and unsubscribed invites.

Distribute surveys through emails

Note: You can send up to 2000 email invites per day with a maximum of 500 emails invites per campaign and a total of 30000 email invites per month. To send to a larger client list, you can use Zoho Campaigns, which is integrated with Zoho Survey.

How do I create an email within Zoho Survey?

  1. Go to the Launch tab.

Create online surveys

  1. Click Email Distribution on the left pane. You can access this only after you publish the survey.

Create online surveys

  1. Click Create Email to send and track your survey link. If you have already created one before, click Create New.

Create online surveys     Create online surveys

  1. Click the email address displayed in the Reply to box if you want to change the default 'from' email address.
  2. Type the name of the sender in the Sender name field.
  3. Type the recipients' email addresses in the Send to box.
  4. To import contacts by uploading CSV or XLS files, or by manually typing the contact details, click Import Contacts
    • Click CSV and select Choose file to upload a CSV file.
    • Click XLS and select Choose file to upload an XLS/XLSX/ODS file.
    • Click Manual to type or copy-paste contacts manually. Insert known variables, separated by commas, to tag respondents. For the manually-inserted custom variables, responses are in the Individual Responses section of the reports.
    • Type a name for the new group of contacts you import in the Name your new group box.
    • Click Add to add the group to the recipient's list.

Import contacts

  1. Type a subject for the email in the Subject box.
  2. Click or hover over the email template and click  to edit the email template or you can click the Edit button on the top right corner of the message box. You can make edits to the default template that gets displayed here.

    • Click the dropdown arrow next to the edit button and select Save as template to save any changes you make.

    • Click Select an existing template to choose from a list of templates you have already made.

    • Click Insert Variable to personalize the body of the template to include contact information like first name, last name and custom variables.

  3. If the first question is NPS, Star Rating, or Multiple Choice, you have the option to embed the first question in your email. This replaces the Begin Survey button as a link to your survey.

    • Edit email template

    • Click Save to save the changes.
    • Choose to enable or disable the footer in your surveys in the Footer section when you use the email distribution feature.
    • Click Background color, and Font color palettes in the Button section to adjust the background and font colors of the button name respectively.
    • Make edits to the button name in the Button name field, if required.
    • Click Background color and Font color palettes in the Header section to adjust the background and font colors of the template respectively.
    • Make edits to the title of the email template, if any, in the Title name box. If you do not make any changes to the title, it will take the name of the survey by default.
  4. Click Send to distribute your survey through email. You can also save a draft version and send it later.


How do I track the survey?

  1. Go to the Launch tab.

Create online surveys

  1. Click Email Distribution on the left pane.

Create online surveys

  1. Click Overview to see the following details.

    Email distribution overview

    • Invites - Displays the details on how many of your respondents have opened your invite, how many are yet to open it, if any email has been scheduled or bounced, or if someone has unsubscribed to your invite.
    • Responses - Displays the total number of responses, and the details of completed, partial, and disqualified responses.
    • Invite History - Displays the date and other details of each invite.
      • Click View for a detailed history.
      • Click Create Reminder to send reminder emails to people who have not responded to your survey. Follow the steps in editing the email template to draft a reminder email.

Create reminders through email distribution

  1. Click Recipients to see the following details.
    • Search Recipients - Search for a recipient by using keywords.
    • Email - Displays email addresses of the email invitees.
    • Download as CSV - Download the list of filtered recipients in a CSV format.
    • Sent - Displays whether your invite has been sent.
    • Responded - Displays the response status of your survey. If they have responded, click View Response to view the responses you have received. It will take you to the reports section where you can see detailed response details.
    • Filter - Filter your recipients based on various parameters.

email distribution recipients