Employee Timesheet

Employee Timesheet

Zoho People's Timesheet lets an employee add jobs and track the time they spend on various jobs and associated projects. Using Timesheet, an employee can log time, create time logs, submit timesheets for approval, schedule jobs, and view important reports. 

Adding and Managing Jobs 

To log time, jobs must first be created. Whenever an employee begins their work, they can create a relevant job. There are many ways of creating jobs. 

      Method 1
      1. Go to Timesheet > Projects/Jobs > Jobs.
      2. Click Add Job.
      3. Enter the job name and select the associated project.
      4. Provide a start and end date for the job.
      5. Enter the total hours. 

      6. Enter other details as required.
      7. Click Submit.

Method 2


Another method to add a job is when you log time. If you haven't created a job beforehand:

      1. Go to Timesheet > Time logs > List View
2. Select the Project
      3. Click Select Job 

      4. Click Add Job.
      5. Enter the details of the job.
      6. Click Submit.

You can also add jobs without associating them to any jobs.

Adding jobs and projects is based on form permissions configured by Admin.


List View

From the list view of the timesheet, an employee can do a variety of actions. 
  1. Log time for a new job using the timer 
  2. Log time manually, for a day, week, or month
  3. Filter and view jobs based on a specific period, job, project, client, billable status, and approval status
  4. Import and export the time logs using the options under the ellipsis icon

Calendar View

The calendar view gives an employee a monthly view of their job status. Time logs can be added from the calendar view as well. To add a new time log.

      1. Go to Timesheet > Time log > Calendar view.
      2. Go to the specific date and click the + icon. 

      3. Add details of the time log in the popup that appears.

Logging time

An employee can log time manually and automatically. A timer can be used to log time automatically.

Manual Method

There are many ways that an employee can log time manually, in Zoho People. 

Using the Log Time option:

      1. From your homepage, go to Time Logs > List View > Log Time.

      2. Select the job name.
      3. Select the job date.
      4. Under Hours, select Hours or Start and End.
      5. Enter other details as required.
      6. Click Submit.

Daily, Weekly and Monthly Time Logs

Using the daily, weekly, and monthly log, an employee can log time manually. This helps in scenarios where there is more than one time log per day, or when there are many time logs in a week.

      1. From your homepage go to Timesheet > Time Logs.
      2. Click the Log Time dropdown.
      3. Select Daily, Weekly or Monthly time log.

      4. Enter the number of hours.
      5. Click Submit.

Automatic Method

An employee can log time automatically with the use of a timer. To log time using the timer:

      1. Go to Timesheet > Time Log > List VIew.
      2. Select the job, project, and other details.
      3. Click the timer to start logging time.

The following method can also be used to log time automatically.

      1. From your home page, go to Timesheet > Time Logs.
      2. Click Log Time.
      3. Select the required details.
      4. Click Start Timer. 
      5. Click Save.

Time logging will start for this job. You will be able to view the Timer running in the List View.

Importing and Exporting Time logs 

If import and export permissions are enabled for the employee, these options will be available in the List View

An employee can log time manually by importing the time logs. 

To import time logs,

      1. Go to Timesheet > Time logs > List View.
      2. Click the ellipsis icon in the top-right corner.
      3. Select Import.

      4. Ensure your file matches the given sample format.
      5. Click Import File.
      6. Map the fields, then click Next. 

To export time logs, click on the ellipsis icon next to the filter icon and select Export.

      1. Select the format in which you would like the export to be done. 

      2. Click Export.

Cloning Time Logs

If an employee is working on similar jobs or projects, the clone option helps them simplify the task of creating daily, weekly, or monthly time logs by cloning the entries.

To clone time logs,
      1. From your home page, go to Timesheet > Time Logs > List View > Log Time drop down.
      2. Click on the type of log and click Clone.

You will be able to see the time logs of the previous day, week, or month replicated. You can add more time logs to this, or edit the replicated time logs before submitting them.

The Reset option clears the time logs before they are submitted.

Editing and Deleting Time Logs

If an employee wants to make any changes to the time logs:

      1. Go to Timesheet > Timelogs > List View. 
      2. Go to the specific time log.
      3. Click the pencil icon to edit the log. 
      4. Make the necessary changes. 
      5. Click Submit.

To delete a time log,

      1. Go to Timesheet > Timelogs > List View. 
      2. Go to the specific time log.
      3. Click the trash icon beside the time log. 
      4. Click Confirm.

Adding and managing projects

An employee can add the projects they are working on (based on permissions) and log time for the jobs associated with that project.

To add a Project, 

      1. Go to Timesheet > Jobs/Projects > Projects.
      2. Click Add Project.

      3. Add the project details: name, cost, and rate per hour.

      4. Click Submit. 

Once the project is added, the employee can add a new job under the Jobs column by clicking the + icon.

Existing jobs can also be viewed under the Jobs column.

To edit or delete a project, use the pencil or trash icons beside the project to perform the respective action. 

Job Schedule 

Using the job schedule feature, employees can get a consolidated view of their schedule for the entire day or week.

An employee can view, add, and edit their job schedule (based on permissions). 

To add a new job to the schedule: 

      1. Navigate to Timesheet > Job Schedule > Schedule. 
      2. Click on the specific date or time you want to add the job to. 
      3. Fill in the job details in the popup.

      4. Click Publish.

The Save Draft option can be used when the added job is not the final one, and changes may be made.

Typically, reporting managers will schedule jobs for their reportees to complete.To view existing job schedules:

      1. Navigate to Timesheet > Job Schedule > Schedule. 
      2. Click on the specific job schedule for a detailed view. 

  1. Use the Day option to view daily job schedules
  2. Use the Week option to view the job schedules for the week
  3. Use the filter to view job schedules based on published status and location
To edit an existing schedule,

      1. Navigate to Timesheet > Job Schedule > Schedule. 
      2. Click on the specific job schedule.
      3. Edit the required details in the popup.
      4. Click Publish. 

To delete a schedule, click on the trash icon in the top-right corner of the popup.

Timesheet Reports 

There are a wide range of reports that an employee can view under Timesheet to understand the status of their time logs, projects, jobs, and job schedules.

Time Log report 

This report gives the employee details of the time logged on each job, every week. The report is available in both chart and list form. The filter can be used to view selective information on the time logs. The left and right arrows can be used to navigate between weeks.

Jobs Report

This report shows a comparison of the estimated and total hours that an employee has for each job they are working on. Total hours refers to the actual hours logged using the timer (automatic method of time logging). Estimated hours are the hours entered while manually adding the time log. This report can also be viewed in the chart and the list view. 

A comparison of billable and non-billable hours is also displayed in the Jobs Report. 

Projects Report

This report lists list all the projects that the employee is part of, along with details on the client's name, estimated hours, billable hours, non-billable hours, total hours, and the project status.

Scheduled vs Worked hours

This report shows the comparison between the total time logged by the employee against the number of hours of work done within the schedule. A summary report and a detailed report are available here. 

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