Enabling Google Analytics for your Help Center

Enabling Google Analytics for your Help Center

Google Analytics is a free tool for analyzing the traffic of websites. It provides valuable insights on visitor trends and behavior. By knowing how your customers react and respond to your web pages, you can identify what works best, and what needs change. It is one of the most useful tools available for those who would like to track activities on their Help Center in the customer service industry.

  • Google Analytics for Help Center is available only in the Professional and Enterprise editions of Zoho Desk.

Tracking in Google Analytics
Before you set up Google Analytics, you may be wondering what you can do with it. Well, here is a (non-exhaustive) list of things you can do via Google Analytics for your Help Center:
  • Determine what percentage of your page views are from returning and new customers respectively.
  • Track the mobile site visits and figure out what devices your customers use to access your Help Center.
  • Know how many interactions your customers had with your site.
  • Determine which language your customers speak and from which part of the world.
  • Monitor the amount of time spent by your customers on each article page.
  • Observe the navigation path of customers, viz. which pages they had visited and in what order they did.
  • Determine whether an article is relevant or not for your customers from the Bounce rates.
  • Identify keywords that the customers search for before landing on your Knowledge base articles.
  • Know how often your customers use, search instead of navigating the knowledge base using links and bookmarks.

Getting Started with Google Analytics
To start with, you need to sign in to Google Analytics or create a new account.

If you are new to Google Analytics:
  1. Go to www.google.com/analytics and create an account.
  2. After you'd signed up, click Website from the top of the page.
  3. On the New Account page, enter the following information about your Help Center:
    • Enter the Account Name, e.g. Zylker Mobile
    • Enter the Website Name, e.g. Zylker Help Center
    • Select https:// from the drop-down menu and enter the Website URL. It is the domain URL of your Help Center, i.e www.zylker.com. You'll probably also want to choose your time zone and industry.
  4. Click Get Tracking ID and accept the terms and conditions.
    A tracking ID (UA code) specific to your account will be displayed on the following page.

If you already track other websites on Google Analytics:
  1. Go to www.google.com/analytics and sign in to your account.
  2. After you'd signed in, click Admin in the bottom-left corner.
  3. Select the existing account name and click Create New Property from the Property menu.
  4. On the New Account page, enter the following information about your Help Center:
    • Enter the Account Name, e.g. Zylker Mobile
    • Enter the Website Name, e.g. Zylker Help Center
    • Select https:// from the drop-down menu and enter the Website URL. It is the domain URL of your Help Center, i.e www.zylker.com. You'll probably also want to choose your time zone and industry.
  5. Click Get Tracking ID and accept the terms and conditions.
    A tracking ID (UA code) specific to your account will be displayed on the following page.

  • It is optional to check the data sharing settings while creating a new account.

Enabling Google Analytics
Coming back to Zoho Desk, you must configure the tracking ID to track your Help Center analytics.

To enable Google Analytics:
  1. Click the Setup icon (  ) in the top bar.
  2. Click Help Center under the Channels menu.
  3. Click Google Analytics under the Help Center sub-menu.
  4. Check the "I agree with the provider's terms of use and privacy policy" checkbox and click on Authenticate.
  5. In the resulting browser window, sign in with your Google credentials or if you are already signed in, select your account and then click Allow.
  6. The Google Analytics Property corresponding to your account will be added in Zoho Desk.
    Note: If you have more than one Google Analytics property, select the one to be integrated from the right panel and then click Get Data.

  • It can take up to 72 hours for data to start syncing accurately.

Changing Property
You can change the Google Analytics property at any time in Zoho Desk. It is particularly useful when you've more than one property in your Google Analytics account, and you want to switch between them.

To change property:
  1. On the Google Analytics page, click the Change link alongside the Google Analytics property.
  2. The properties linked to your Google Analytics account open over the right side of the screen.
  3. Select the property that you'd like to integrate with Zoho Desk and then click Get Data.

Deleting Integration
You can delete the Google Analytics Integration to stop tracking your Help Center traffic.

To delete the integration:
  1. On the Google Analytics page, click the More Actions icon  ) in the upper-right corner of the page.
  2. Click Delete Integration from the menu.
  3. Click Delete again to confirm the deletion.
The Google Tracking ID is removed from all of your Help Center pages immediately.

Disclaimer: The names and logos for Zoho are trademarks of Zoho Corp. All other trademarks, brand names, or product names belong to their respective holders.

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