

Export data to back up specific work items from your project and store them for future reference. 

Benefits of exporting work items

  • Prevents data loss.
  • Download the file and import to a different sprint or project.
  • Set regular export intervals so you can download up-to-date records for daily stand-up meetings.
Export work items from either your backlog or sprint. Do you want to know how export benefits? Learn more.

Export the file as either an XLS or CSV file.

Types of filters

Export work items using different filter types:
  • Assignee
  • Created By
  • Estimation Points
  • Priority
  • Item Type
  • Created On
  • Modified On
  • Sprint (If you want to export work items from your sprint)

How to export?

  1. Click Backlog on the left panel.
  2. Select  in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select Export.
  4. Choose the File FormatGroup ByRecurrence Type, and Occurrences.
  5. Click  or  to scroll left and right to select the required fields.
  6. Select Export.

  • You can select up to 10 filter fields in the export pop-up.
  • Only the Admin can export all the work items regardless of the sprints.
  • Sprint owner and members can export only the work items in the sprint assigned to them.

Export applied filters

You can export the work items from the filter as well.
  1. Select  from the upper-right corner.
  2. Choose the required fields and click Export in the upper-right corner to export the applied filter.
  1. Choose the required filter fields.
  2. Select Apply Filter.
  3. Click  in the upper-right corner.
  4. Select Export and view the applied filter fields in your export pop-up. (Select additional fields, if required).
  5. Click Export.
Email notification

Once you click export, your export will be scheduled and you will be notified via email.You have 15 days to download the exported file from the email.
If you have set a recurrence frequency for the export, you can stop future exports from the email.

Export History

Use export history to keep track of all the completed and active exports in your project.
  1. Click Backlog from the left panel.
  2. Select  in the upper-right corner.
  3. Select Export History.

You can also access the Export History in the upper-right corner of your export pop-up.

  • Completed Export lists the DateTimeFile Name of your export. View the export details and, if applicable, the recurrence details of the file.
  • Active Scheduler lists all the files that are active and scheduled for export. To download the file, click on it or select the download icon in the upper-right corner.
Zoho Sprints will not allow any harmful information or data into your exported files. As a precaution to get rid of unwanted security threats, you can take a look at the warning from the MS Excel. 

Did you know?

You can generate a report for the required fields using the Copy and Paste functionality. Read more

Note: If the subitems are collapsed, you cannot copy and paste the subitems details. 

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