Export leads

Export leads

You can export leads in any format so that it provides a backup for your database. Apart from this, if you’ve sent a campaign to a mailing list, you can easily track the active leads.

To export the leads:

  1. From the  Navigation  toolbar, choose  Leads  and select  All leads 
  2. Click  More  and select  Export leads  in the top-right corner of the screen. 

  3. In Export leads page, do the following: 
    • Export – Choose the type of contacts to be exported.
    • Added by – select the users whose leads you’d like to export.
    • Filter by Date – Select a time to export leads based on activity
    • Arrange by – Opt on how you want to arrange the leads.
    • Select fields to be exported – Select the checkbox fields to include additional information.
    • File Name – Give a name to the file to be exported.
    • Click the format (CSV, TSV, XLS, JSON, etc.); you want to export the file. 
  4. Click  Export .

Import to Do-not-mail Registry

To import leads to “Do-not-mail” registry:

  1. From the  Navigation  toolbar, choose  Leads  and select  All leads 
  2. Click  More  and select  Import to Do-not-mail  in the top-right corner of the screen. 
  3. Click  Go-Ahead  in the Do-Not-Mail popup.
  4. Choose a .csv or an excel file by clicking and dragging the file to the specified space.
  5. Click  Next 
  6. Once you've uploaded your file, it is time to map the column headers to the fields in the mailing list. If you find a field to be irrelevant, you can skip it.
  7. Check the transfer active leads to "Do-not-mail" checkbox.
  8. Click  Import .

You can also add individual leads to the Do-not-mail registry. There can be scenarios, when your leads have personally contacted you asking to stop sending emails rather than unsubscribing. In such scenarios, you can move those specific leads to do-not-mail registry instead of importing. You can  add  a maximum of 20 leads to the do-not-mail registry.

To add leads to do-not-mail registry:

  • In the  All leads  page, check the box corresponding to the lead whom you want to move to do-not-mail registry.
  • Click the  Move to Do-not-mail  icon. 
  • In the popup that follows, confirm the action.

Import History

The Import overview page contains all of your imported leads' details. You can view a report generated on your leads after the import is complete.

To view the import history:

  1. From the  Navigation  toolbar, choose  Leads  and select  All leads 
  2. Click  More  and select  Import Overview  in the top-right corner of the screen. 
  3. In the  Import overview  page, you can view the number of newly added leads, duplicate leads, and ignored leads. Just click one of the numbers to view the related lead details. 

Export contacts from Import overview

You can export specific category of contacts that you have imported. E.g. If you have imported 200 contacts out of which 100 are newly added and 100 are not added(ignored due to some reasons). You want to export only the newly added 100 contacts.

To export such contacts:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Contacts and select All Contacts.
  2. Click More and select Import Overview in the top-right corner.
  3. In the Import Overview page, you can view the number of newly added contacts, duplicate contacts, and ignored contacts. Click one of the numbers to view the related contact details.
  4. Click Export

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