Export timesheet across all projects

Export timesheet across all projects

Export timesheets

  1. Click Home in the top band of the company portal.
  2. Scroll to find and access the My Timesheet widget. If you use this widget more frequently than the rest, drag and reposition it to the top of your list. Swap its position with some other widget at the top.
  3. Click View More in the upper-right corner of the widget.
  4. Click  in the upper-right corner of the My Timesheet details page.
  5. Click Export Timesheet.
  6. Fill data in all the fields.
  7. Click Export  when you are done.

Types of filters in My Timesheet page

  • There is an additional filter called Project filter in the My Timesheet tab.
  • The Project filter has the list of all projects created in your portal.
  • You can select one or more projects to view the respective timesheet details.
  • All other filters are the same as the ones in the Timesheet within a specific project.

Applying filters in My Timesheet page

  1. Select the required filter criteria and click Find to get the timesheet details.
  2. Use  and  in the upper right to span across the time period that has been selected in the filter (i.e.month or day or week).
  • The Approval status filter is available only in the  Premium and Enterprise plans.
  • The option Project Span in the View filter is available only in the Timesheet tab inside a specific project. It's not applicable for My Timesheet tab since multiple projects are filtered in it.
  • You can also export timesheets as PDF files using the Export to pdf option similar to Export Timesheet option.

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