Facebook page campaign

Facebook page campaign

Page campaigns let you can run a promotional campaign on Facebook for a limited time. You'll create a custom tab for your Facebook page, then create a page campaign for that tab.
Before you install a page tab, please check whether you've created a Facebook page. Click here to create a Facebook page.

Installing page tabs on Facebook

Page tabs are windows that you can use to inform visitors about promotional offers, helping you publicize and market your brand effectively. 
To install page tabs on Facebook page:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Campaigns and select Social Campaigns.
  2. Click Manage Pages in the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. If you've already created a Facebook page, then click Install Tab App corresponding with your chosen Facebook page. A popup will appear.
  4. Enter a Name and upload an image for your page tab.
  5. Click Install.
  1. If you have not created a Facebook page or you want to add another page to your Facebook account, click Add a Facebook Page.
  2. You can also clone an existing page campaign rather than starting a new one from scratch.

Creating a page campaign

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Campaigns and select Social Campaigns.
  2. Click Create New and select Page Campaign.
  3. Enter the following details:
    1. Select Page - The Facebook page where you would like to publish the campaign.
    2. Name - This is for internal use
    3. Select Page - The Facebook page where you would like to publish the cam
    4. Add Content - Configure the content for your page tab.
  4. Click Start
  5. You can post the campaign immediately or schedule it for a later time. 

Sharing your page campaign on social media

You can promote your Facebook page campaigns by sharing them on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. To promote your campaigns on social media, click the Social Share button once your Facebook page campaign has launched.

Reports for Page Campaign

View complete stats for page views, number of new fans and the number of fans who viewed the custom tabs. You can analyze the customers and classify them into different segments.

Find out the number of visitors who liked your custom tabs as well as the geographical segmentation of your fans. Geographical segmentation is a clear indicator of the online following a particular brand/campaign has in a particular region.

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