Field Technician Management

Field Technician Management

The field technicians conduct the requested field services at the customer location. Each field technician has primary and secondary territories associated with them that denote their base and temporary areas of service.
  1. All users created with the Field Agent profile will be automatically added as a field technician.
  2. The default service territory added during a new Zoho FSM account creation will be assigned to all field technicians until another territory is created.

Edit Field Technicians 

To edit a field technician:
  1. Navigate to Setup Users and Control Workforce and select the Field Technicians tab.
  2. Click the Edit [] icon to edit the Name and Description.
  3. Click + New Line for Territories to add the Primary and Secondary territories for the field technician.
    Select a territory, set it as the primary or secondary territory and set the Start Date and the End Date and click Save.
    The period between the 
    Start Date and the End Date is when the field technician will be active in that territory. Multiple primary and secondary territories can be added for a field technician provided there are no conflicts between the active periods in each territory type. For example, Emma Woodhouse can have Kensington as her primary territory from April 21. She can also have Farringdon as a secondary territory from April 23 to April 24. From April 23 to April 24, she will not be available in the Primary territory Kensington and this will be reflected in the Dispatch Console module.
  4. Click + New Line for Skills to add the skills for the field technician. Select a Skill Name and Rating. Click  to save. You can delete an entry by clicking the Edit [] icon and then the remove (X) icon.
    Ensure that you create Skills before you attempt to assign it to a field technician. 
Points to remember
  1. Start Date is a mandatory field.
  2. End Date is a mandatory field for secondary territory.
  3. If an End Date is not provided for a primary territory, then the field technician will continue to be active in that territory until one is set.
  4. When the field technician is no longer active in any of the assigned service territories, the field technician will automatically be considered inactive. Only active field technicians can be assigned to service appointments.
  5. When you move the field technicians or crew under a service territory you are deactivating to a different service territory, the current date will be assigned as the Start Date of the new territory.
  6. When you deactivate a service territory, the field technicians or crew which have it as their primary territory will be listed for reassignment.

Refer to this page for details on deactivating a service territory.
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