Forecasts Based on Role Hierarchy

Forecasts Based on Role Hierarchy


Roles provide access permissions for the records in Zoho Recruit. Based on the role hierarchy, records are accessible by users. A role hierarchy has multiple roles and sub roles. In Zoho Recruit, you create a forecast target for the top most role in the hierarchy, i.e. for the organization. Forecasts targets are then set for the other roles in the hierarchy and the users in those roles.
  1. Users with administrator profile can create forecasts.
  2. Role managers can set targets for their roles, sub roles and the users in these roles.
  3. As each user can have only one role, you can have only one forecast target set for the user.

Configure the Organization's Forecast Settings

At first, a user with the administrator profile has to configure the organization's forecast settings in the Zoho Recruit account. The settings include:
  1. Target Period of Forecast (Monthly or Quarterly).
  2. The start month of the Financial year.
  3. Field values based on which forecast targets are set.
    Make sure that you have created the fields based on your business requirements.
You can create forecast for a specific quarter/month only once. You can however modify the existing forecast details.

Create Forecasts Based on Role Hierarchy

In Zoho Recruit, forecast is created for the top most role in the hierarchy, i.e. for the organization. Forecasts targets are then set for the other roles in the hierarchy and the users in those roles.
  1. Each role can have only one forecast for every quarter/month.
  2. A manager can be assigned to each role, failing which the parent role's manager owns the role.
  3. Each user can have only one forecast target set for every quarter/month.
  4. Only Role Managers and users with administrator profile can create forecasts.
  5. A role's manager can set targets for the users in the role. Users cannot set target for themselves.
  6. Role managers can set targets for themselves. If the role manager's superior changes the target, the role manager cannot change it.
  7. If a role does not have a manager, the manager of the superior role in the hierarchy can set targets for the users in the sub roles.
  8. You can create forecast reports based on roles
To create forecast for a quarter/month
  1. Go to the Forecasts module.
  2. Click on the Create Forecast icon.
    The Create Forecast icon will not be available while creating forecast for the first time.
  3. Select the month/quarter and the year from the drop-down lists.
    Forecast will be created for the selected quarter/month.
  4. Specify the sales Target for the month/quarter.

  5. Specify the Target for Sub Roles (the next level sub roles).
    You can specify the overall target for the role and also the target for the role manager. Targets for others users in these roles and sub roles can be set once you create this forecast.
  6. Specify the target for each User.
    Only the users in the top most role of the hierarchy will be listed. To set targets for user in other roles, you need to drill down to each level in the role hierarchy. See Also View Forecasts 
  7. Click Save.

Set Targets for Sub Roles and its Users

You can drill down to each sub role and set targets for the sub roles, its managers and users. The targets for sub roles and its managers can be set at the time of creation of the forecasts. However, if you haven't set a target for them, you can still do so by editing the sub territories.

To set target for sub roles
  1. In the Forecast module, select the Month/Quarter and Year from the respective drop-down list to see the forecasts details.
  2. Click on the Role/User links to drill down to the next level of forecast targets.
  3. Specify the sales Target for the roles, role managers or users.
  4. Click Save.

View Forecasts

Forecast Terminologies
  1. Target - Sales target that is set. You can set targets for roles, sub roles, role managers and users.
  2. Achieved - It is the closed job opening amount for each role and its sub roles.
  3. Pipeline Job Opening - Expected amount of the job openings in pipeline for the month/quarter.
  4. Target Achieved in % - Percentage of target that is achieved.
  5. Shortage in % - Percentage of the target amount that is not in pipeline for the month/quarter.
  6. Target Mismatch - When there is a mismatch in the total target amount and the sum of individual targets for the sub roles and its users.
  7. Star Performers - Roles and users who have achieved the target and exceeded the target

Compute Options

There are two options to compute the Target Amount, Achieved Amount, Pipeline Job Opening, Target Achieved in Percentage, Shortage in Percentage and Target Mismatch when you view the forecast for a month/quarter.
  1. Compute - Calculates the forecast numbers for the role level that you are currently viewing.
  2. Compute All - Calculates the forecast numbers for all role and sub roles.

Drill Down Through the Forecast

Based on your role, you will be able to view the forecast details and drill down through the forecast targets of other levels in the role hierarchy. The CEO (top most role in the hierarchy) will be able to access all forecast targets set for other sub roles and its users. Whereas, Sales Executives may only be able to access their individual targets and the target set for their role.
  1. Achieved - Click to view the filled job opening that contributed in achieving the target.
  2. Pipeline Job Opening - Click to view the job openings in pipeline for the month/quarter.
  3. Roles - Click to drill down to the next level in the role hierarchy and view the targets set for the role. You can set targets based on your access permissions.
  4. Users -Click to drill down to the next level and view the targets set for the user. You can set targets based on your access permissions.
    Say there is Territory A and its Sub Territory B. If the role manager of terriotry A sets the target for the users in territory B, then the role manager for territory B cannot modify them.

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