Format a chart

Format a chart

Each chart you add to your slides is unique and presents data in a different way. You can choose to customize your charts using a variety of chart formatting options (styles, designs, and layouts, or change color, borders, axis ticks, labels) to make them more visually attractive and to highlight impressive data. You can format the following chart properties. 

Edit Chart Data

You may wish to edit the values and categories in Charts. You can customize the values and category names in the Show's charts. You can undo or redo the editing made to the Chart Data. You can add or remove a column or row and its values, and edit the legends for your chart. 

To edit Chart Data, 
  1. From the Slides pane at the bottom, tap on the slide and tap Insert   icon at the top-right corner. 
  2. Now, tap Chart at the bottom and choose your preferred chart pattern from the list of categories.
  3. Scroll up and down to choose between the following categories such as Column, Bar, Line, and more. The chosen chart appears on the slide. 
Chart options

      4. Select the chart, Format then Edit to alter the chart category names and values. Click Undo or Redo icon to undo or redo respectively. 

Chart data

     5. Click Update to reflect the changes on the chart.    

Apply Layout and Style Presets 

You can choose a layout, apply styles to it, from the list of available options which works best for your presentation and apply it to the chart. 
To apply and style presets for a chart,
  1. Select the chart in the slide. 
  2. Go to Format then Layout or Style Presets to change the layout or style of the chart respectively. 
  3. Select the preset of your preference. The selected preset pattern reflects on the chart.  

Add and position data labels

Adding a data label helps you to make your chart more informative by specifying the data or value for each individual series or category in the chart. Adding a data label to a chart makes it easy for you to search for a specific data along the axis. For example, in a pie chart, adding data labels immediately identifies each data value as a ratio or percentage of the total. 
To add and position data labels,
  1. Select the chart. You will see the Format mode with chart formatting options on the right pane.
  2. Click the Chart tab within the pane and enable the type of Data Label checkbox you want to add from:
  • Series: Displays the name of the Series in the data label.
  • Category: Displays the name of the Category in the data label.
  • Value: Displays the data values of the Series in the data label.
Percentage data label is exclusively available for Pie charts in Show for android. 

To choose your label position, click the label position dropdown next to Data Label and select the location for your data label. Four positions are available:  
  • Center:  Places the data labels in the middle of each data point.
  • Inbase:  Places the data labels at the bottom of each data point.
  • Inend:  Places the data labels at the top of each data point.
  • Outend:  Places the data labels above of each data point.
For stacked or area charts, you can choose to place the labels at the top, center, left, right, or bottom area of each data point.  

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