Format a text

Format a text

Apply various text styles and effects to make your presentation content look impressive. With the Zoho Show app for Android, you can change the color of text to match with your brand, list ideas using bulletin or numbered list style, add superscript or subscript to indicate scientific equations and much more. This is in addition to the regular font faces of bold, italic, and underline, which you can use to make information clear on the slide. 

Format text properties

Choose a font style

Fonts deliver both message and tone to your audience almost instantaneously on a presentation screen. Picking the right font for your design is an important step to catch hold of your audience's attention until the end of a slideshow. You can apply diverse font styles to different elements on your slide, such as Title Head, Body Content, and Table Data Values, and provide an instant effect to them.
To choose a font style,
1. Double tap on the text to change the font and choose Format option.
This will open the different text formatting options on the bottom pane.

Font style

2. Tap Font from the pane and choose your desired font style from the list.
Scroll down with your fingers to see the list of all font styles available for the app.

Change the font face

Use font faces, such as bold, italic and underline, to make your text stand out on the slide. Boldface text can be used to make a strong impression, while italics are useful for emphasis. When introducing a new term, you can also italicize slide titles to make them a little more elegant. Underlining can be useful to differentiate the heading from the body text.
To change a font face,
1. Double tap on the text to change the font face and choose Format option.
This will open the different text formatting options on the bottom pane.

2. Tap to apply any of the following font face options:
  •  : To  Embolden the selected text.
  •  : To Italicize the selected text.
  •  : To Underline the selected text.
  •  : Draws a line through the middle of the selected text. Used typically to strike through text during reviews of documents so that others can still see the original text.
Font pattern

Add superscript and subscript

If you use mathematical and scientific expressions, then you will need the text superscript and subscript symbols. Superscript and subscript allow you to make smaller notations that are slightly higher or lower than the rest of your text. For example, symbols in the formulas, x^(n-1) and specifications of chemical compounds(H2O).

To add a superscript and subscript,
1. Double tap on the text, symbol, figure, or number, then choose Format option.
This will open the different text formatting options on the bottom pane. 

2. Choose any of the following:
  1.   : Make the text appear above the baseline. 
  2.   : Make the text appear at or below the baseline.
Sub-super scripts

Change the font size

Resize the text placed within objects on a slide in order to fit better with other objects. Changing the font size can be useful when you want to highlight some of the content on the slide by making it appear larger compared to the rest of the text in your slide.

To change the font size,
1. Double tap on the text and choose Format option.
This will open the different text formatting options on the bottom pane. 

2. Scroll down to Font Size option and tap the up arrow to increase the font, and down arrow to decrease the font.

Change the font color

Make your font colors look vibrant and contrast them sharply with your slide background colors. Zoho Show app for Android provides a vast collection of color schemes that can be further customized for important statements in your presentation and conveying meaning beyond the actual text. For example, adding dark fonts to a light background or light fonts on a dark slide background can assist in consistent contrast. 
To change the font color,
1. Double tap on the text to change font and choose Format option.
This will open the different text formatting options on the bottom pane. 

2. Scroll down to Font Color option and tap on the color to apply.

3. If you don't see the color you want in the list, tap More Colors and rotate the Color Wheel to choose your preferred color.

More colors

Format paragraph properties

Add bulleted or numbered lists

Using bullets make your writing compact, and helps highlight key points on the slide to your audience. However, if you want to write complete sentences and have more than four items in your list such as instructional procedures with steps, then the numbered lists will help present information in a concise way avoiding long paragraphs of text in your presentation. 
To apply bullet or numbers,
1. Double tap on the text to add bullets/numbers and choose Format option.
This will open the different text formatting options on the bottom pane. 

2. Scroll down to List Styles and tap the arrow next to List Styles.

3. Tap again on the List Style drop down to choose your preferred Bullets or Numbers style.

List style

Change the text alignment

Align your text horizontally or vertically on the slide to consistently line up your content with other objects in the presentation. Also, a proper arrangement of text makes it easier for your audience to scan the slide, grasp key concepts, and appreciate visual cues. 
To change the text alignment,
1. Double tap to select the paragraphs you want to align on slide and choose Format option.
If you select the entire placeholder, text box, or shape the alignment will apply to all of the content within the selection. 

2. Scroll down to the Alignment option and align your text horizontally or vertically as follows: 
To align the text horizontally, 
  •  : Left Align the selected text to the left of the placeholder, text box, or shape. 
  •  : Center Align aligns the text to the center of the placeholder, text box, or shape
  •  : Right Align aligns the selected text to the right of the placeholder, text box, or shape.
Align text

To align the text vertically, 
  •   : Top - Aligns text at the top of placeholder, text box, or shape. 
  •   : Middle - Aligns text at the middle of placeholder, text box, or shape. 
  •   : Bottom - Aligns text at the bottom of placeholder, text box, or shape. 
Align text

Adjust the line spacing

Line spacing is the space between each line in a paragraph on a slide. It's just as important as the font size on a slide.  If the lines are too tight, the text will feel crowded and be harder to read. If the line spaces are too large, the text will appear unrelated and spacey. Setting the right line space is important for readability.
To adjust the line spacing,
1. Double tap to select the paragraph or line you want to adjust the spacing of, and choose Format option.

2. Scroll down to List Spacing option and do any of the following:
  • To adjust the line spacing within a paragraph, use the up and down arrows next to Line Space and set the required space value.  
  • To adjust the spacing after or before a paragraph, use the up and down arrows next to Before and After options under Paragraph Spacing, and set the paragraph spacing you need.
Line spacing

Change the text indent

Adding indentation is a good way to distinguish the start of a new paragraph, especially when there is no paragraph spacing. These can also be useful to create a multilevel bulleted list where you have to divide each section into a clear first, second or third level section of text in the presentation. There are four types of indents in Zoho Show: Left Indent, Right Indent, First Line Indent, and Hanging Indent. The usual text indents (right and left) sets the space between the right and left margins on a slide. You can adjust this indent space as explained below.
To change the text indent,
1. Double tap to select the paragraph or bulleted list to indent and choose Format option. 

2. Scroll down to Text Indent and apply any of the following indent styles:
  • To add a right indent, tap the Left arrow .
  • To add a left indent, tap the Right arrow .
  • To add an indent before text, use the Up-down arrow to set the required indent space number next to the Before Text option.
  • To add a special indent, tap the Special dropdown, and do the following:
    • Choose FiRST LINE and set the required value to indent the first line of a paragraph. This helps determine the beginning position of the bullet character (or number in a numbered list).
    • Choose HANGING and set the required value to adjust the spacing between the bullet character (or number) and the subsequent paragraphs. Hanging denotes the area between the bullet and the first text character within the bulleted list.  
    • None removes any applied indents from a paragraph/list.
Text indent

Align text within text box, shape, or placeholder

The text placed within text boxes and shapes can be positioned and aligned in one of two ways: using the margin space or using the auto-fit or shrink text option. Adjusting text manually with respect to the internal margin space (right, left, top, and bottom) fits in the desired direction on the slide, and also helps lines it up with other objects throughout the presentation. Alternatively the auto-fit text adjusts or reduces the text to fit automatically within the text box, shape, or placeholder area. 
To align text within text box, shape, or placeholder,
1. Tap on the text box, shape, or placeholder containing the text and choose Format option.

2. Scroll down to Text Box option and align text using the below options:
Use the up/down arrow for the following positions:
  • Left to adjust the distance between the left border of a shape or text box and the text.
  • Right to adjust the distance between the right border of a shape or text box and the text.
  • Top to adjust the distance between the top border of a shape or text box and the text. 
  • Bottom to adjust the distance between the bottom border of a shape or text box and the text.

Cut, copy, and paste text

Zoho Show presentation editor lets you cut or copy text and paste it to another slide with ease. Copying and pasting text saves you a lot of time by letting you avoid retyping a huge paragraph of text every time. 
To cut, copy, and paste text on a slide,
1. Double tap on the text or paragraph and tap Cut or Copy option.

2. Tap on the slide (or the position within slide) you want to paste the copied contents and choose Paste. 

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