GDPR and Zoho CRM - An Introduction

GDPR and Zoho CRM - An Introduction

On this page, we'll be taking a look at what the new rules in GDPR are and how Zoho CRM can help you comply with them. We'll also help you understand how to protect your customers’ data.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new set of rules designed to provide EU residents control over how their personal data can be used by companies across the globe. At its core, these rules aim to protect the data of its EU residents. This means organizations need to be well aware of the impact that this will have on individuals and businesses who deal with EU residents' personal data. One also needs to be well-prepared to follow consistent data protection compliance requirements.

First, let's get familiar with Controllers, Processors, and Data Subjects. It is essential to understand and identify the difference in the roles of each.

  • Data Controller  - Someone who controls the purpose and means of processing personal data. The controller defines how the data should be put to use and why it should be used. Often, data controllers use an external service or another organization to process the data. This is where data processors come in. In this case, control over collected personal data remains with the data controller and is not passed on.
  • Data Processor  - Organizations that process personal data on behalf of the controller are known as the data processors. They do not have control over what is done with the data nor can they change the purpose of data collection. Processors get limited rights to process the data as per the instructions provided by the controller.
  • Data Subject  - The person whose personal information you collect are the data subjects. In a business, data subjects tend to be your customers and employees. You collect information from them, such as their name, address, phone number, and email address, to process and contact them for business.

Zoho as a Data Processor

A data processor must have a secure system, tool, and method to collect and store personal data. Zoho CRM is equipped to comply with the GDPR as a data processor. There are many options in Zoho CRM that are designed to help you safeguard your customers' data and meet the security and privacy standards set in GDPR.

Data security and privacy are two different terms that are often used interchangeably. However, they have specific meanings:

  • Data privacy revolves around the lawful collection and usage of personal data.
  • Data security is having the physical, technical and administrative safeguards in place to protect your customer's data.

As a result, we've introduced options in Zoho CRM that will both:

  • help you abide by the privacy rules, and
  • provide you a secure platform to protect your customer’s data.
Permission Required
Users with the Manage Compliance Settings permission in their profile can view the features available
under Setup Users and Control Compliance Settings.

Where to Begin in Zoho CRM?

Step 1 - Switch on GDPR Compliance Settings for your Zoho CRM account.

To switch on GDPR compliance, go to  Setup  >  Users and Control  >  Compliance Settings .

Users with the  Manage Compliance Settings  profile permission can enable it.

After you switch on the GDPR compliance, you need to select the modules that contain data subject's information and for which GDPR compliance is required. Along with  Info  and  Online  sections,  Data Privacy  section will be available for the records in these modules and you can select a lawful basis to process the data.

Step 2 - Update lawful basis to process personal data

By default, all the records in the selected modules will have the  Data Processing Basis  set to  Not Applicable  when you enable GDPR Compliance setting from  Setup  >  Users and Control  >  Compliance Settings . You can change this based on your discretion and business cases and update the lawful bases for the records. 

Step 3 - When  Consent  is the lawful bases to process data.

  1. Customize the consent form from  Setup  >  Users and Control  >  Compliance Settings  >  Consent Form See Also Customize consent form .
  2. Include a link for the form in an email template. You can use this email template to send emails and get the consent details updated from the customers. You can also add the link to the form while composing an email and send it to the recipients.  See Also  Add Consent Link in an Email Template

Step 4 - View the dashboard that lists the data processing bases for all the records.

Go to  Setup  >  Users and Control  >  Compliance Settings  >  Overview , to view the dashboard that gives you the following details:

  • Number of records that have the lawful basis marked as Not Applicable.
  • Number of records that have been updated with one of the lawful bases.
  • Chart that displays the consent status -  Pending ,  Waiting ,  Obtained .

The content presented herein is not to be construed as legal advise. Please contact your legal advisor to know how GDPR impacts your organization and what you need to do to comply with the GDPR.

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