Getting documents signed with DocuSign

Getting documents signed with DocuSign

What is an e-signature?

An electronic signature, or e-signature, is a legal way to get consent or approval on electronic documents or forms. This is a quick, easy, and completely paperless process to get your documents signed. E-signature is widely used when sending offer letters, sales contracts, rental and lease agreements, and more.

DocuSign for Zoho Workerly 

In Zoho Workerly, you can use DocuSign to get temps to e-sign job details or offer. This not only saves time but also makes the process simpler. Similarly, you can use e-signatures when you are sending agreements and contracts to your clients to streamline the process.

This document will help you learn more about:

  • How to install DocuSign
  • How to get documents signed using DocuSign
  • How to uninstall DocuSign

Install DocuSign 

You can either install the DocuSign extension from the Zoho Marketplace or log in your Zoho Workerly account and install it from there.

To install DocuSign:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Extensions > Marketplace.
    All your installed extensions will be listed. You can view all the extensions supported by Zoho Workerly under All Extensions.
  2. Click All Extensions and browse for and click on DocuSign.
    The details of the extension will be available.
  3. Click Install Now.
  4. Click Continue to Install.
  5. You will be asked to agree to the terms of service. Click Continue to Install again.
  6. Choose one of the following options:
    • Install for admin only: The extension will only be installed in Zoho Workerly for users with the Administrator profile.
    • Install for all users: The extension will be installed in Zoho Workelry for all users. Users will need to have an DocuSign account to use this feature.
    • Choose profiles: The extension will be installed in Zoho Workerly for all the users. Choose this option, click Continue, and then select the profile to install it for.
      The extension will be installed automatically for the specified users. After installing, you will need to authorize using your DocuSign login credentials.
  7. Click Confirm.
  8. You will be redirected to Zoho Workerly and a pop-up will open asking you to authorize the installation. Click on Authorize.
  9. Specify the Email and Password for the DocuSign account and click Log In.

    The account will be authorized and the extension can now be used. The Envelope custom module will be created after you install this extension.
    Note: You will need to log in to or create a DocuSign account to enable this extension in your Zoho Workerly account.
  10. Click Finish and you are ready to send documents from Zoho Workerly with DocuSign.

Get documents signed using DocuSign 

Once the add-in is installed, the Temp and Contact details pages will have a Send for DocuSign button. This button can be used to send documents that need to be signed by contacts/Temps. Each record will also have a related list- DocuSign Envelope where envelope details will be listed.

To send documents for e-signature:

  • Click on the Temps or Contacts module.
  • Click on a record you want to send documents to.
  • Click Send for DocuSign in the record's details page.
  • In the Send Envelope with DocuSign page:  

    1. You can add a document from your desktop or from Attachments.
    2. Select the Set signing order check box, if required.
      When you select this, you will be able to specify the order for each recipient.
    3. Select the recipients you want to send the documents to for signature.
      If multiple recipients are added, the documents need to be signed by all of them in the order you specified.
      By default the Temp or Contact selected will be added as the recipient.
    4. You can also add an email address to send the document to.
    5. Specify the message to be included in the email that is sent to the recipients in Message to All Recipients.
    6. Click Edit and the Advanced Options pop-up box will open.

      • Select the Send automatic reminders check box to set reminders.
      • Specify the number of days after which to have the request to sign the document expire.
      • Specify the number of days after which the customer should be notified that the document is expiring.
      • Click Save.
    7. Click Next to preview the document and add the Signature field to the document.
    8. Click Send Now.
      The documents will be sent to the recipients.


  • The supported formats for the documents are: "as", "asl", "asp", "doc", "docm", "docx", "dot", "dotm", "dotx", "htm", "html", "pdf", "pdx", "rtf", "txt", "wpd", "dwg", "dxf", "emz", "svg", "svgz", "vdx", "vsd", "vss", "vst", "bmp", "cdr", "dcx", "gif", "ico", "jpg", "jpeg", "pct", "pic", "png", "rgb", "sam", "tga", "tif", "tiff", "wpg", "dps", "dpt", "pot", "potx", "pps", "ppt", "pptm", "pptx", "csv", "et", "ett", "xls", "xlsm", "xlsx", and "xlt".
  • The file attachment size cannot exceed 25 MB. You cannot attach more than one file.
  • When multiple recipients are added, the documents need to be signed by all of them in the order they were added. The email will be sent to the first recipient in the list. Once the first recipient has signed the document, it will be sent to the next recipient in the list.
  • When you delete a contact, the agreements associated with it will not be deleted

Uninstall DocuSign 

If you uninstall the DocuSign extension, please note that all the data will be deleted and cannot be recovered. To uninstall:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Extensions > Marketplace.
  2. Click Installed. Browse for DocuSign and click Uninstall.
  3. Click OK to uninstall.

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