GitLab integration

GitLab integration

Manage your GitLab repositories in Zoho Sprints. Map the repositories to relevant projects, attach commits, and pull requests in the work item details page. 
Availability: Professional plan   
Region: This feature is not available in the CN region.  
Access control:  Team Owner   

Authorize GitLab account         

  1. Navigate to    in the upper-right corner.   
  2. Click GitLab under Integrations
  3. Select or Self-Managed 
  4. On click of, you will be redirected to

If you click  Self-Managed,

  1. Copy and paste the  URL and A ccess Token from your self-managed version and click Configure     


How to configure your account from the Self-Managed version of GitLab?    
  1. Navigate to Settings in the upper-right corner in the self-managed version of  GitLab.
  2. Navigate to Access Token n the left panel. 
  3. Enable api  and read_user scopes and create a new access token.
  4. Copy and paste the Access Token from GitLab to Zoho Sprints 
Zoho Sprints adheres to privacy of your data. So, we receive a consent from you before you start the integration process.  

Personal Repository   

Personal repository lists all the repositories with admin access in GitLab

Team Repository   

Team repository lists all the repositories that are mapped from your personal repository. Once mapped, these repositories can be associated to the projects. Once associated, team members can add or attach commit and pull requests to a work item using quick commands or from the  work item details  page. 

Map personal repositories to team repository  

  1. Navigate to      in the upper-right corner.  
  2. Select GitLab.  
  3. View the list of repositories in your  Personal Repository.    
  4. Hover over the repository name.   
  5. Click the map icon next to the repository name to map the repository to your team.   

Associate projects to team repository      

You can associate a project to your team repository.    
  1. Navigate to      in the upper-right corner.  
  2. Select GitLab.   
  3. View the list of repositories in your  Team Repository.    
  4. Click  +  next to the repository.  
  5. Select the projects and click Update.  
You can associate only 50 projects to a team repository.       


Sync repository issues to projects  

While mapping your projects to the repository, you can mark it as an 'Issue Project'. This will automatically sync all the upcoming issues that are added in your repository.
  1. Navigate to Settings in the upper-right corner.
  2. Select  GitLab.
  3. Configure your account.
  4. Map repositories to Zoho Sprints portal.
  5. Enable Sync Only Bugs  to the right corner of your project name.
  6. Click Associate

You can access the link to GitLab directly from the work item details page.  

Note:  You can associate multiple projects to your repository. But, you can mark only one project to 'Sync Only Bugs'. 

Synced Fields
Title, Description, Status, Comments, Weight (Estimation Points)
  1. The estimation points that you define in GitLab will be synced to the nearest point in Zoho Sprints.  
  1. Since we sync only the bugs to the marked project, all the work items are created in the default work item type 'BUG'.   
  1. Status of the work items will be mapped to the open and closed status in Zoho Sprints. 

Quick Commands in Zoho Sprints      

Once you are done with mapping of repositories and associating projects to the repositories, you are all set to start attaching commits and pull requests. Here are the supported commands.   
Work item tagging is supported only through the pull request  "Description"  field.   

#<Project Prefix>- <i/I><Item number>  
Example:   #SP-i30  
Represents the work item ID.  
#workitemid #comment <message1> #comment <message2>  
Example:   #SP-I15 #comment Please share the final build by EOD. #comment Fix the existing issues and update the local build.  
You can add multiple comments to a single work item.  
Add comment for the work item.  
#workitemid #status <status_name>  
Example 1:   #SP-i20 #status Done  
Example 2:   #SP-i20 #status To_be_Tested  
1. If the status name carries multiple words, separate them with an underscore.  
2. Statuses are not case sensitive.  
Update the status of the work item.  
#workitemid #priority <priority_name>  
Example 1:   #SP-i40 #priority Critical  
Example 2: #SP-i42 #priority Should_be  
1. If the priority name carries multiple words, separate them with an underscore.  
2. Priorities are not case sensitive.  
Update the priority of the work item.  
#workitemid #time <hours>h <minutes>m  
Example:   #SP-I52 #time 5h 30m  
Add log hours for the work item.  
  • The email address of the GitLab user should be registered with the Zoho Sprints team only then they can process the commits: #comment, #time, #status, and #priority.   

Advanced commands      

Single command for multiple work items

#workitemid,#workitemid,#workitemid #comment <message>    
#SM-I25,#SM-I42,#SM-I98 #comment Issues are resolved and updated in the local build.  
What happens?  
All the three work items are added with the comment.   

Multiple commands for single work item

#workitemid #comment <message> #priority <priority_name> #time < > h < > m #status <status_name>  
#SM-I34 #comment List out the requirements #priority High #time 5h 3m #status In_progress  
What happens?  
The work item is added with comment and log hours. It is also updated with status and priority.  

Multiple commands for multiple work items

#workitemid,#workitemid,#workitemid #comment <message> #priority <priority_name> #time <>h <>m  #status <status_name>  
#SM-I34, #SM-I45, #SM-I54 #comment List out the requirements #priority High #time 5h 3m #status In_progress  
What happens?  
All the three work items are added with comments, log hours and updated with status and priority.   

Attach commits from work item details section  

  1. Navigate to the work item details page.   
  2. Select GitLab   from the tabs.  
  3. Click  AttachCommit .  
  4. Select the required fields.  * All the fields are mandatory.  
  5. Click Attach .


Attach pull requests from work item details section  

  1. Navigate to the work item details page.   
  2. Select GitLab from the tabs.  
  3. Click  Attach Pull Request.  
  4. Select the required field.  * All the fields are mandatory.   
  5. Click Attach.  

When you attach a commit via GitLab or from the work item details page, we trigger a feed message and notification to the work item assignees.   
How to copy the work item ID?  
It becomes daunting when you specify the project prefix and ID manually. You can just copy the work item ID from the work item details page and paste it in your commit messages and pull request comment.   


Delete commits and pull request  

You can delete the commit and pull request directly from the work item details page. Hover over the attached commit and pull request and click   .  

Access for commands  

Adding comments       
  • You must be an active user in the project to tag comments to work items in your commits.  
  • Anyone can add comments to the work items in the backlog.    
  • You must be a part of the sprint and have the work item assigned to you before you can add comments to it.   
  • You can also add comments for unassigned work items.   

Adding Log hours  
  • You must be an active user in the project to add log hours to the work items.  
  • You can log hours for the work items only in active sprint.   
  • You must be a part of the sprint.   
  • You can only add log hours for unassigned work items and the work items that are assigned to you.  
Updating priority      
  • You must be an active user in the project to update the priority of the work items. 
  • You should be the admin, joint admin, or project manager to update the priority of the work items.       
  • The priority name that you provide must be an existing priority in the project.  
  • You can update the priority of the work items only for the active and upcoming sprints and the work items in the backlog.  
  • You cannot update the priority of the work items if they are in the closed status.    
Updating status      
  • You must be an active user in the project to update the status of the work items.   
  • You can be a sprint owner, assignee, admin, manager, or sprint creator to update the status of the work items.   
  • The status name that you mention must be an existing status in the project.  
  • You can update the status of the work items only in active sprints.   

Disassociate projects from repository   

You can also disassociate projects from the repository in two different ways.  

From the associate project form  
  1. Navigate to      in the upper-right corner.  
  2. Select GitLab.  
  3. Select  +  in the right corner of the mapped repository in your Team Repository.      
  4. Deselect the projects in the  Associate Projects  form.  
  5. Click Update.   
Directly from the Team Repository  
  1. Navigate to     in the upper-right corner.  
  2. Select GitLab.  
  3. Click on the count next to the team repository.  
  4. Hover over the project that you want to dissociate.  
  5. Click Remove Project.   

Remove repositories from team  

  1. Navigate to    in the upper-right corner.  
  2. Select GitLab.  
  3. View the list of repositories in your Team  Repository.  
  4. Hover over the repository name.   
  5. Click the unmap icon to the left end of the repository name to unmap the repository from the team.   
What happens when the repository is removed from the team?  
You can no longer attach commits and pull requests to the work items either via Bitbucket or directly from the work item details page.    

Remove Bitbucket authorization  

You can remove the Bitbucket account anytime from Zoho Sprints. To do this:  
  1. Navigate to      in the upper-right corner.  
  2. Select  GitLab.   
  3. Click    at the bottom-right corner of your personal repository.   
  4. Click  Yes, delete.  
What happens when the authorization is removed?    

Once the repository is mapped to Team Repository, a webhook or subscription is created between both the applications. When the authorization is removed, the integration between both the application is stopped and all the mapped repositories and its associated projects will be removed.    

However, the webhook or subscription will not be deleted. If you want to delete the webhook or subscription created when the authorization was invoked, go to your GitLab settings and disable the webhook created for the respective team or personal repository.     
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