Global add

Global add

Global Add makes it easy to add tasks, task lists, issues, milestones, timesheets, forums, projects, and users without navigating to their specific modules. Sometimes adding tasks or issues to any project can be impromptu. In that case you need not navigate to that project, whilst you can still carry on with your work and simply click  on the upper right corner of the top band to add them to the desired project.

Here’s how you can add:   


  1. Click Task and select the required project. 
  2. Enter the task details and select the task list.
  3. Click Add to save the new task. 
    • Click View more on the popup after adding a new task and view the task details page. 
  4. Click Add more if you want to keep adding tasks. 

Task List: 

  1. Click Task List and select the required project. 
  2. Enter the Task List name and select related milestone.
  3. Click Add to save the new Task List. 
    • Click View more on the popup after adding a new task list and view the task list details.   


  1. Click Issue and select the required project. 
  2. Enter the issue details.
  3. Select the additional fields if required. 
  4. Click Add to save the issue. 
    • Click View more on the popup after adding a new issue and view the issue details page. 
  5. Click Add more if you want to keep adding issues. 


  1. Click Milestone and select the required project. 
  2. Enter the milestone details.
  3. Set the milestone flag.
    • Select Internal if the visibility is only to the project users.
    • Select External if the visibilty is to both client and project users.
  4. Click Add to save the new milestone.   


  1. Click Timesheet and select the required project. 
  2. Enter the log entry date. 
    • Time logging cannot be done for future dates.  
  3. Select the Task/Issue for which the log is entered.
    • Search for the necessary tasks/issues by entering its name.  
  4. Set Hours and update the billing status. 
  5. Click Add to save the timesheet entry.  


  1. Click Forum and select the required project. 
  2. Enter a title for your forum, type a brief on your title in the Content section, attach files, and choose a Category (if any).
  3. Enable Post as Q&A if you want the forum as a Q&A session.
  4. Enable Make it as sticky post or Make this post an announcement.
    • If you make the post as sticky, your post will always appear on the top of other posts.
    • If you make the post as an announcement, all the users except the client users will receive an email notification irrespective of their personal email notification settings. 
  5. Select the users whom you want to notify on the forum post.
    • ​​If you haven’t selected users, email notification will be sent to users who have enabled it.
  6. Click Add to post the forum.  


  1. Click Project and then enter Project title.
  2. If desired, select a Template and an Owner, enter Start and End Dates, and create a Project Overview.
  3. Select a Billing Method (note that this option only appears when Zoho Projects is integrated with Zoho Invoice or Zoho Books).
  4. Default Billing Status can be changed when creating a project. 
  5. Customize the tabs for your project as required. 
  6. Enable project access to private or public.
    • If private, only project users can access work items. 
    • If public, the portal users can view/follow.
  7. Click Add to create a new project.  


  1. Click Users and select the required project. 
  2. Enter the email ID of the user and select the user’s role.
  3. Click Bulk add to add multiple users at a time, all with the same user role. 
  4. Click Save to add the users.

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