Global add

Global add

You can now add work items, sprints, log hours, meetings, and epics without navigating to specific modules using the Global Add. Navigate to  in the upper right corner of the top panel. Start adding the required entities to specific projects.  
Accessibility:  All the users irrespective of the roles can access this feature. 
Availability: Professional
Add work item
  1. Click   icon in the top panel. 
  2. Select + Item
  3. Choose a project.
  4. Enter the work item details. 
  5. Click Create or click Add More to create new work items.  

Add sprint
  1. Click   in the top panel. 
  2. Select + Sprint.
  3. Choose a project.
  4. Enter the sprint details. 
  5. Click Create.  

Add timesheet
  1. Click   in the top panel. 
  2. Select + Timesheet.
  3. Choose a project.
  4. Enter the log hour details.
  5. Click Add

Add epic
  1. Click   in the top panel. 
  2. Select + Epic.
  3. Choose a project.
  4. Enter the epic details.
  5. Click Create.  

Add meeting
  1. Click   in the top panel. 
  2. Select + Meeting.
  3. Choose a project.
  4. Enter the meeting details.
  5. Click Schedule.

You can click   in the top left to switch to other modules. 

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