Now that you've successfully created a project, it's time to plan out the work required. Create work items, store them in the backlog, create sprints, move the work items from the backlog to your sprints, and track your progress using Zoho Reports.
Here are a few key terms to understand:
Story >> The story is a description of the product from the perspective of your end-user. It must be simple, but detailed so that your team can easily determine the relevant tasks. (Add the main requirement as your story and break down the work required into tasks).
Task >> Every story is broken down into a series of work items called tasks. When all the tasks are complete, so is the story.
Bug >> When you encounter issues while working on a work item, they are added as bugs.
Work Items >> A catch-all term for every piece of work, including the story as a whole, but also the tasks, subtasks, and bugs.
Subitems >> Smaller work items that make up a larger task. For example, if your task is to build a web page, one of the
subitems might be to create a button on the page.
Backlog >> A place to store your work items. Any work items introduced by your client will be added to the backlog. Your team will prioritize the backlog and move the top priority work items to the sprint.
Sprint >> The phase of a project. During each
sprint, the objective is to complete the entire story. Sprints typically last 8 weeks.
Estimation Points >> Each work item is evaluated based on how much effort it will take to complete. In Zoho Sprints, this is defined in terms of
estimation points. Use the points to evaluate the effort and complexity of the work items.