Google Analytics

Google Analytics

With the help of site analytics, you can track the number of visitors to your website from your email campaign. Once you integrate your Google Analytics account with Zoho Campaigns, you can view all the analytics related information in Zoho Campaigns instead of logging in separately into your Google Analytics account.

To view the site analytics, follow the steps given below:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Reports and select Google Analytics.   
  2. In Google Analytics page, click Site Visits.
  3. A graphical report represents the total visits and the type of visits to your website.
  4. Choose your Profile from the drop down list and select the Date​.

Use case

I have integrated my Zoho Campaigns account with Google account, still the data from Google Analytics is not fetched and it says my account isn't configured. What should I do?

If you get an error in the Google Analytics page, it might be due to one of the following reasons,

  • If you haven't integrated your Zoho Campaigns account with Google.
  • You might have forgotten to add the link to be tracked using Google Analytics in your Campaign content.
  • You might have missed out to enable Google Analytics tracking for your campaign that was sent.

Site Visit Report

This report gives you the total number of visits and the type of visits with a graphical representation and report of each source in detail.

Direct Visits - The total number of visits your website received organically and not through other sources. For e.g. a user entered your website URL in the browser and visited your website. Such visits are called direct visits.

Email Visits - The total number of visits your website received via emails

Referral Visits - The total number of visits your website received through particular references and other referral sources.

Total Visits - The total number of visits your website received through all sources

Pages / Visit - The total number of visits each page received in one particular visit to the website

Avg. Time On Site - Indicates the average time a visitor spends on your website

% New Visits - The percentage of new visits your website received

% Bounce Rate - Bounce rate indicates the percentage of people that leaves a particular page without visiting further pages.

Site visit report

Site Traffic by Source

This indicates the visits your websites received through particular sources.

All Traffic - Traffic your website received through all sources.

Site traffic by source

Referral - Traffic your website received through particular referrals.

Site traffic source referral

Campaign - The traffic your website received through a particular campaign.

Site Traffic by Location

This is similar to the Geo map location that indicates the location from which your subscribers opened your emails. The only difference here being, the map here indicates the website traffic based on location.

Site traffic by location

 Page Visits

This section provides you with data of traffic received for individual pages of your website.

Page Views - Displays the total number of page views your web pages received

Unique Page Views - The total number of unique views your website received

% Avg. Time on Site - The average time spent on the website by a visitor

% Bounce Rate - Bounce rate indicates the percentage of visitors that leaves a particular page without visiting further pages

% Exit - Exit rate indicates the rate of visitors leaving your pages

This section also has sub division that gives you the same date with respect to every single page in your website.

Page visit report


If you have created and set goals with respect to your website, we help you track the status of your goals. You can find the different metrics given below:

Goal Completion - Indicates the total number of goals you have completed.

Goal Value - Goal value is the total revenue potential from your goal conversion rate.

Goal Conversion Rate - This is the percentage of number of visits that resulted in a conversion to that goal.

Total Abandonment Rate - This is the percentage of number of visits that resulted in abandoning the website.

Goals report

  • To track visits to your website and corresponding pages, you should embed the GA script in all your web page, provided by Google Analytics.
  • You must select the Add Google Analytics while creating your campaign so that you can find those campaign recipients who had visited your website.

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