Group and Ungroup Objects

Group and Ungroup Objects

Working with several objects as a single entity is always easier rather than selecting each of them individually. Grouping let's you combine multiple objects such as a shape or a picture on the slide and allows to work on them as a whole(a single unit). You can change the properties (for example, picture effect, fill color) of all objects in a group and also move, rotate, flip, or resize all of them at the same time as a single object. You can ungroup the grouped objects whenever required and work on each object individually with one at a time.

Types of objects that can be grouped

There are a set of objects that can be grouped and worked together on Zoho Show:
Shape - Grouping shapes allows you to manage a group of shapes easier than each isolated shape. For example, if you are creating a process flow diagram and need to make custom steps with titles and content, then you can group the shapes together to compose one of the steps and then easily copy and paste each step multiple times.
Picture - Grouping pictures allows you to create attractive and professional looking slide visuals. For example, a sales presentation might be more impressive if you add images and combine them into a group to manipulate as a unit. 
Text boxes - Grouping text boxes allows you to combine, format, and move multiple text objects around the slide area and let's operate them as a single unit. For example, if your slide has a series of text boxes depicting a sequence of events then all of them can be easily formatted with a new font style, font color, text alignment, etc as a whole.
Mixed group objects - A group can contain a mixture of slide objects such a text box within a picture or shape, a shape within a picture, etc.  Mixing text boxes, pictures or shapes create effective presentations such as adding descriptive text boxes to specific sections within the shape, a flow chart, or a picture will enhance the visuals and highlights slide areas.

Group shape, picture, or other objects

Instead of working on individual slide objects (shape, picture, or other objects) one at a time either to apply an animation or apply a background effect combine them into a group and work on them as a single unit all together. You can also group pictures, shapes, and text boxes all together, for example, a picture with a shape, a text box within a shape, etc.

To group shape, picture, or other objects, 
1.  Drag your mouse pointer around the shapes, pictures, or other objects to group.
You can group both similar and dissimilar slide objects such a shape within a shape, or a picture with a shape, a text box within a shape, etc.

2. Go to the right pane and click the Group button.

3. You will see the selected shape, picture, or object grouped within a single box.

You can even form a nested group where a group of shapes are contained within another group of shapes (a group within a group).

Ungroup shape, picture, or other objects

If you no longer want your shape to be grouped, then you can ungroup to easily select and make exclusive edits to one object at a time.

To ungroup a shape, picture, or other objects
Select the grouped object and click on the Ungroup button in the right pane. The group breaks down to their individual pieces. 

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