Hiring Pipeline in the Candidates Module

Hiring Pipeline in the Candidates Module

Zoho Recruit's Hiring Pipeline is a collection of the stages in your recruitment process. You can manage your hiring pipeline from the Candidate module. You can view the hiring pipeline in
  1. the details page of a candidate record
  2. the Quick View of a record in the candidate module list view
Unlike the stage based hiring pipeline in your Zoho Recruit dashboard, the hiring pipeline in your candidate module will display every status in chronological order. To know more about setting up your hiring pipeline, click here.

Understanding the hiring pipeline - Candidates module

  1. To view the hiring pipeline of a candidate, navigate to the Candidates module and click open a candidate record of your choice.
  2. In the details page of the candidate record, click Hiring Pipeline on the left panel.

    Note: If a candidate is associated to multiple job openings, you can view the hiring pipeline for every job by choosing the preferred job in the drop-down list.

  3. A typical hiring pipeline will look like this

  4. Each stage of your hiring pipeline will be differentiated by name and color. It also displays the time spent by each candidate in a stage.

  5. Change the status of the candidate from within the candidate's hiring pipeline by clicking Move to next status.

  6. Select the new status for the candidate from the drop-down list. You can also add comments for every change of status that you make and click Update.

  7. Each status will be differentiated by color and will display the following details
    1. Stage name
    2. Date on which the status was changed and the time spent by the candidate in that particular stage
    4. Modified by
  8. You can also view if the job opening is closed or locked or reopened. If the job opening is closed or locked and the candidate status is open, the option to change the status of the candidate will be disabled.

  9. If a job opening's status is changed from closed to re-opened; the option to change the status of a candidate whose status is open will be enabled again.

  10. You can also view your hiring pipeline by clicking the Quick View icon on the candidate list view page and selecting the Hiring Pipeline tab.

  1. The comments added to each change of status will be displayed in the timeline. You cannot change the status of the candidate when
    1. The status of the candidate is locked
    2. The candidate is in a blueprint process
  2. When a job opening's status is closed, the final status of the timeline will display the date on which the job was closed.
  3. When a job opening is not closed or if the candidate status is not locked, the final status of the timeline will display your current time.
  4. When a candidate is locked, the final status of the timeline will display the date on which the candidate status was locked.

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