How can I add records to a ZC application using API

How can I add records to a ZC application using API

The application Add Record using API illustrates the usage of the Deluge postURL task to add a new record to another Zoho Creator application. Here we use the Zoho Creator XML RPC API to add a new record. The application comprises of a dummy form "POST URL" with fields "TaskName" and "TaskDescr". When the form is submitted, a new record is added to another Zoho Creator application named "task-management" with form name "Tasks" with the values entered in the dummy form. 

Steps in adding a new record using the XML-RPC API

1. The POST method format to add a new record using the XML-RPC API is given below:

<form method="POST" action="[APIKEY]&ticket=[Ticket]">
<input type="hidden" name="XMLString" value="XML String in the format as specified in the Request format">
<input type="submit" value="Sumit XML String">

2. The request parameters (i.e) the application name, form name and the record values to be updated must be specified in the prescribed format:

<application name="applicationName">
<form name="formName">
<field name="fieldName"><value>fieldValue</value></field>
<field name="fieldName"><value>fieldValue</value></field>
<field name="fieldName"><options><option>Option 1</option><option>Option 2</option>

3. In this example,

- "task-management" is the name of the application to which a new record is added
- "Tasks" is the form name with field names "Task" and "Description.
- The field value
 input.TaskName refers to the value specified in the TaskName field of the dummy form. 
- The field value 
input.TaskDescr refers to the value specified in the TaskDescr field of the dummy form.

<application name=\
<form name=\
<field name=\"Task\"><value>
<field name=\"Description\"><value>

4. The following Deluge Script is added to the On click action of the dummy form to add a new record using the XML-RPC API. The script will be executed on click of the form button. Refer Deluge Script for the code explanation.

form  Post_URL1
displayname = "Add Record using API"
store data in zc = false

type = text

type = textarea

type = submit
displayname = "On Click"
on click
mapvariable = map();
<applicationlist><application name=\"task-management\">
<form name=\"Tasks\"><add><field name=\"Task\"><value>" + input.TaskName + "</value></field>
<field name=\"Description\"><value>" + input.TaskDescr + "</value></field></add>
mapvariable.put("zc_ownername", "zc_help");
ResponseMapVariable = postUrl("",


Using Script Builder

In the Script builder we have created a map variable with the above Key and Value.

Code Explanation

  • The create map task creates a new map variable named MapVariable
  • The put key task adds the key, value pair to the MapVariable with values as specified by the Zoho Creator API.

  • The post data posts the specified data to the external Zoho Creator application "task-management" with form name "tasks". The request url string to add a record using XML-RPC is". Users need to have an 'API Key' as well as a 'Ticket ID' for accessing the Zoho API.

  • When the above script is executed, the Tasks view in the Task Management application is updated with the new record value.


To install the application,

  1. Download the script file (.ds file)
  2. Install the application to your account. Click here to learn how to install using the script file (.ds file)

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