How can I associate contacts with their respective accounts while importing them through a single import file?

How can I associate contacts with their respective accounts while importing them through a single import file?

While importing the accounts and contacts using a single file, you can associate your contacts with their respective accounts. Your import file may contain both the contact and account details. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Copy the Account information in another new file - In your import file, there may be accounts that have more than one contact associated to them. To avoid the creation of duplicate accounts, you need to separate the account information in another file. 
  2. Import data in your Accounts tab - Import the file that you created in the previous step, which has only the account information and no duplicate entries.
  3. Import data in your Contacts tab - Import the original file where you have both the accounts and contacts' information. During the import, map both the Contact related information and the Account related information.
Important Note: While importing records using the Migrate Data from other CRM feature, you need to use the ID provided by the other CRM vendor to associate contacts to the accounts.

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