Many a times, when you are developing an application, you may need to get the value(s) entered for the fields in the form. To get the particular value, you can do so in Deluge Script, using the statement: input.<Field Name>For ex, if you would like ...
Deluge field names are often used in the following places. In the script To set values for the form field via URL To filter records from the View via URL You can get all the applications/forms/fields deluge names. For this, you can login and ...
About the application You can fetch and update records from a form using Deluge script. Let us illustrate this with the help of an example. The application Library Manager has two forms: Books - To enter the details about each book with fields ...
The Buffet Menu application illustrates the usage of the Deluge List function. The application comprises of a Menu form with multi-select fields that list the menu items in each food category. Selection of the food items for the buffet is subject to ...
A user can be identified, using the Deluge variable zoho.loginuser, which returns the name of the user who has logged in to the application. The Deluge variable zoho.adminuser returns the name of the application owner. Sometimes may want to restrict ...