How can I manage roles and privilege settings

How can I manage roles and privilege settings

When there are multiple users in your organization, it is essential to be attentive about data access. We try to make it as easy as possible for you to maintain the balance between easily sharing data between team members, yet maintaining strong protections for sensitive data.

In this guide, we'll take you through each different role, how to add new roles, and how to customize the privilege settings for each role.


Before we dive into privileges and related settings, let's take a look at the various roles that exist in Zoho MarketingHub.

Standard admin

This role refers to the organization's administrator. A standard admin can assign privileges for custom roles within the organization. Standard admin privileges are static and cannot be modified.

Standard user

This role refers to standard user(s) in an organization. Standard user privileges are assigned by default and cannot be modified.

Custom roles

Administrators can create custom roles and set privileges based on each role's needs. It can be helpful to assign more specific privileges to certain team members.

To open the Roles and Privileges tab,

  1. Login to Zoho MarketingHub.

  2. From the Navigation toolbar, go to Settings.

  3. Click Roles and Privileges under User and Control.


Create custom role

  1. Open the  Roles and privileges  under Users and Controls.


       2. Click  Add and select  Role. 


     3.  Enter the Role name and click Add.
  4.  Assign privileges and click  Save.

To assign a custom role,

  1. Open the Roles and Privileges under Users and Controls.


        2. Click on the  Assign role link next to the username. 


       3. Select the role you want to assign in the Assign rol e pop up.
       4. Click  Assign.


To edit privileges for a custom role

  1. Navigate to Settings.

  2. Select Roles and privileges under Users and Controls.


       3. Select the role you want to edit in the Roles dropdown and click Edit icon.


       4.  Make the changes and click  Save.


Zoho MarketingHub provides two levels of data access privileges:  Self and  Others . ' Self ' privileges indicate access to any data item created by the owner, while ' Others ' privileges indicate access to data created by other users.

Control Options

  • There are five Control Options to define which operations can be performed by users in a module.

  • These functions are create, modify, delete, access and, export. The functionalities of these options vary with different modules of Campaigns.

  • Access is the master control option which controls the direct access from module or cross module access to data in that organization. By default, this setting will be enabled if user choose create, modify or delete.

  • Tab visibility is a special control option. Disabling the tab visibility of a module implies that the user will not be able to view that module in the product

  • For any module, when you enable  Others Export privilege then the following privileges of that module is enabled by default,

    • Self Export privilege

    • Tab Visibility

For instance, 
1. You enable Export privilege( Others ) of Reports module,
2. Export ( Self ), and Tab Visibility privileges are enabled for Reports module.

To access data that belongs to a different module, the user must have the access privileges for that particular module. For example, if a user wants to choose a mailing list during the campaign creation they need Mailing List module access privileges in addition to the necessary  Email and Advanced Campaigns module privileges.

Email and Advanced Campaigns

Control Options

Associated Operations




Create the following entities,

  • Email Campaign

  • Add content

  • Clone campaigns created by all users.



To perform following actions on current user's entities,

  • Edit a campaign

  • Edit content

  • Edit recipients

  • Send/schedule a campaign

To perform the following actions on other users' entities,

  • Edit a campaign

  • Edit content

  • Edit recipients

  • Send/schedule a campaign


Delete campaign or campaign content that belong to current user.

Delete campaign or campaign content that belong to other user.


Perform the following actions on current user's campaigns,

  • Print preview of campaign content

  • Download campaign content as PDF

Perform the following actions on other users' campaigns,

  • Print preview of campaign content

  • Download campaign content as PDF

Use cases

1. If you want a user to send an email campaign, It is not necessary to grant them sender address privileges, as long as that user has modify and access privileges for the associated email campaign.
2. If the user has more than one sender address, then the most frequently used email address is set as sender address.

3. If a user needs to send a campaign created by other user but doesn't have access to that mailing list, there are a couple of options:

  • If the campaign is going to a single mailing list for which the user doesn't have access, they can choose revoke and proceed and choose user's mailing list.

  • If you do not want to alter the recipients, you can choose to skip and proceed and send the campaign to already chosen list.


Control Options

Associated Operations




Perform the following activites,

  • Add leads

  • Import leads.

  • Add a new sync



Perform the following actions on current user's entities,

  • Modify leads

  • Move leads to do-not-mail list.

  • Mass update leads.

  • Reactivate leads

Perform the following actions on other user's entities,

  • Modify leads

  • Move leads to do-not-mail list.

  • Mass update leads.


Delete leads added by current user.

Delete leads added by other user.


Export leads added by current user.

Export leads added by other users.

If a user has all  Self privileges enabled, when they try perform any action on all leads, the action will only be performed on leads that have been added by that user.


Control Options

Associated Operations




Perform the following actions on current user's entities,

  • Print campaign reports.

  • Download reports as PDF.

  • Download reports as HTML.

Perform the following actions on current users' entities,

  • Print campaign reports.

  • Download reports as PDF.

  • Download reports as HTML.

Print Campaign Preview and Download Campaign as PDF commands require Export privileges of Email Campaigns module.
Create Chain Campaign requires Create privilege of Email Campaigns module.
To export subscriber details from reports, Export and Modify privileges for leads module is necessary.

Mailing Lists

Control Options

Associated Operations




Create a mailing list at different places across Zoho MarketingHub.



Perform the following actions on entities created by the current user,

  • Edit mailing list name.

  • Create, edit and delete segments.

Perform the following actions on entities created by other user,

  • Edit mailing list name.

  • Create, edit and delete segments.


Delete mailing list.

Delete mailing list.

If the user does not have Leads modification privileges ( Others ) in Leads module, then those Leads will not be removed from the organization.

Social Campaigns

Control Options

Associated Operations




Create a Post Campaign.



Edit the following entities for a Post campaign created by current user,

  • Name

  • Content

Edit the following entities for a Post campaign created by other users,

  • Name

  • Content


Delete post campaigns that belong to current user.

Delete post campaigns that belong to other users.

Account integrations between Campaigns and your social media accounts are independent from access privileges in the Social Campaigns tab.
There are no privilege restrictions for actions related to page campaigns.


Control Options

Associated Operations




Create the following entities,

  • Autoresponder

  • New message

  • Autoresponder clone

  • Draft autoresponder content configuration.



Perform following operations on current user's entities,

  • Enable / disable autoresponder

  • Pause / restart message

  • Message Configuration

  • Edit message content.

  • Edit autoresponders

  • Edit recipient

Modify the following operations on other users' entities:

  • Enable/disable autoresponder

  • Pause/restart message

  • Message configuration

  • Edit message content

  • Edit autoresponders

  • Edit recipient


Delete the following entities of current user,

  • Autoresponder

  • Message

  • Content

Delete the following entities of other user,

  • Autoresponder

  • Message

  • Content

< span id="KB_Editor_Container" class="KB_Editor_AlertBGclr KB_Editor_Highlights" >For instance, If you need to modify message content for an autoresponder that was created by another user you'll need the following privileges:

  • Create privilege for the Autoresponder module.
  • Modify privilege ( Others ) for Autoresponder module.

  • Workflow

    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    Create the following entities,

    • Workflow

    • Workflow clone

    • New content

    • Add content



    Perform following operations on current user's entities,

    • Add subscriber to list

    • Remove subscriber from list

    • Edit workflow actions

    • Pause / activate/ freeze/ shutdown workflow

    Modify following operations on other users' entities,

    • Add subscriber to list

    • Remove subscriber from list

    • Edit workflow actions

    • Pause / activate/ freeze/ shutdown workflow


    Delete workflow created by current user.

    Delete a workflow created by other users.

    Library - Images, Email Templates and Form Templates

    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    Perform the following activities,

    • Add a new folder.

    • Upload images

    • Import images

    • Create email template

    • Create signup form template

    • Save to library

    • Clone email/signup form template



    Perform the following action on current user's entities,

    • Modify folder name

    • Modify image.

    • Move images to a folder

    • Modify signup form templates

    Perform the following action on other user's entities,

    • Modify images

    • Modify folder name

    • Move images to a folder

    • Modify signup form templates


    Delete current user's image, folder, email template or signup form template.

    Delete other user's images, folder and email/signup form templates.

    Tab visibility

    User cannot view Images, Email Templates and Form Templates sub tabs sub tabs in Library if tab visibility is revoked.

    Image name cannot be modified after importing or uploading.
    Other users' HTML and Templates of cannot be modified.
    You need Create privilege of Signup Forms module and Modify privilege of the corresponding mailing list in  Mailing Listsmodule to create signup form from a template.

    Signup Forms

    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    Perform the following activities,

    • Create signup form.

    • Clone signup form.




    Perform the following activities on your entity,

    • Edit signup form name.

    • Edit signup form layout.

    • Edit signup form response.


    Perform the following activities on other users' entity,

    • Edit signup form name.

    • Edit signup form layout.

    • Edit signup form response.



    Delete signup forms that belong to current user.

    Delete signup forms that belong to other users.

    *To edit a signup form which is associated with a mailing list, you need Modify privilege of that mailing List in the Mailing Lists module.

    If you enable Create privilege in Signup Forms module, then  Self Edit privilege is also enabled along with it by default, whereas the reverse does not happen.
    If you want to add a new tracking field under Reports tab of Signup Forms, you need Create privilege of Custom Fieldsmodule.
    To view the leads who have joined via a signup form, you need corresponding Access privilege in Leads module.
    To change/associate mailing lists with a signup form, you need Modify privilege for the corresponding mailing lists in the Mailing Lists module.
    If you want to save a form template to the Library, then you need Access privilege of Library module.

    Use cases

    I am trying to create a signup form using a form template. I am not able to perform this action due to insufficient privilege. What privileges do I need?

    To perform the above action, you need to enable these three privileges,

    • Access privilege of Library module,

    • Create privilege of Signup Forms module,

    • Modify privileges of mailing lists that are to be associated in Mailing Lists tab.

      I want to un associate a signup form in my mailing list. What privileges will I need? 

    You need to have the Modify privilege of that mailing list in the Mailing Lists module. This privilege is enough to carry out the above action. 

    On the contrary, to associate a signup form to your mailing list, you need the following privileges,
    • Modify privilege of that signup form( Self or Others ) in Signup Forms module.

    • Modify privilege of that mailing list ( Self or Others ) in the Mailing Lists module.

    Settings tab 

    There are many options available under the Settings tab. The impact of Control Options will differ depending on the selected options.

    Custom Fields 

    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    Perform the following activities,

    • Create custom field

    • Importing leads from third party applications.



    Modify a custom field.



    Delete a custom field.


    Users cannot modify or delete custom fields added by other users.

    Sender address

    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    Perform the following activities,

    • Add sender address



    Delete sender address.


    *Sender Address cannot be modified once added.

    Custom Merge Tags

    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    Create merge  tag s. 



    Modify merge tags.



    Delete merge tags.


    Users cannot modify or delete merge tags added by other users.

    Campaign Themes

    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    Perform the following activities,

    • Create theme

    • Clone theme



    Modify current user's theme



    Delete a theme.


    Access Privilege for both ' Self ' and ' Others ' will be enabled by default and this setting cannot be disabled.
    Users cannot modify or delete themes added by other users.


    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    Create webhooks.



    Edit webhooks created by current user.

    Edit webhooks created by other users.


    Delete webhooks created by current user.

    Delete webhooks created by other users.

    To modify a webhook, the user must have Mailing List modification privileges in addition to the Webhooks modification privileges.


    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    • Create tags



    Perform the following operation on the current user's entities:

    • Modify tags

    Perform the following operation on another user's entities:

    • Modify tags


    Delete tags created by current user.

    Delete tags created by other users.

    To associate a lead with a tag, you need to have the corresponding Access privilege for the lead in the Leads module.
    To import leads from the Tags module, you need to have the Create privilege in the Leads module.
    To carry out all lead0related activities in this module, you need to possess the corresponding Lead module privileges

    Web Assistant

    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    Perform the following activities:

    • Create domain

    • Create goals

    • Create missed goals

    • Create purchase abandonment

    • Create smart pop-up



    Perform the following actions on the current user's entities:

    • Edit domain

    • Edit goals

    • Edit missed goals

    • Edit purchase abandonment

    • Edit smart pop-up

    Perform the following actions on another user's entities:

    • Edit domain

    • Edit goals

    • Edit missed goals

    • Edit purchase abandonment

    • Edit smart pop-up


    Delete entities added by current user.

    Delete entities added by other user.

    The Others Create privilege is required to create goals in another user's domain
    The domain owner can also modify all the goals, even if they only have Self Modify privileges.
    You need Access privileges in the Tags, Leads, and Mailing List modules to perform activities related to goals, missed goals, and purchase abandonment
    You need the Access privilege in the Mailing List module to perform activities involving list selection
    You need the Modify privilege in the Sign-up forms module to create a smart pop-up.


    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    Perform the following activities:

    • Create journey

    • Clone journey



    Perform the following actions on the current user's entities:

    • Add, modify, or remove components.

    • Add, modify, or remove eject criteria.

    • Freeze, unfreeze, or shutdown operations

    • Set and modify goal operations

    Perform the following actions on another user's entities:

    • Add, modify, or remove components.

    • Add, modify, or remove eject criteria-

    • Freeze, unfreeze, or shutdown operations

    • Set and modify goal operations


    Delete journey added by the current user.

    Delete journeys added by another user.

    You need Access privileges in Tags to select a tag
    You need Access privileges in the Mailing List module to perform activities involving list selection
    You need Access privileges in the Regular Campaigns module to perform activities involving campaigns.

    SMS Campaigns

    Control Options

    Associated Operations




    • Create an SMS campaign

    • Clone SMS campaigns



    Perform the following operations on the current user's entities:

    • Edit content

    • Change SMS service

    • Edit recipients

    • Edit recipient details

    • Send for review

    • Exclude leads

    Perform the following operations on another user's entities:

    • Edit content

    • Change SMS service

    • Edit recipients

    • Edit recipient details

    • Send for review

    • Exclude leads


    Delete SMS campaigns created by the current user.

    Delete SMS campaigns created by other users.

    Self Modify is automatically enabled along with the Create privilege.
    You need the Others Modify privilege to clone a SMS campaign.
    You need the Mailing list Access privilege to edit or choose your or another user's recipients.
    You need the Access privilege for Custom merge tags and Custom fields to choose entities while creating an SMS campaign.

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