How can I send the URL of the uploaded file, in my e-mail message?

How can I send the URL of the uploaded file, in my e-mail message?

et the url/link of the uploaded file by specifying the url within the <a href> tag, in the following format.  For example, in the sample message given below, File_Upload is the name of the file upload field, test is the application name and test_view is the view link name and the actual link is specified within single quotes.

on  add
on success
To : zoho.loginuserid
From : zoho.adminuserid
Subject : "sending uploaded file links in email messages"
Message : "<a href='" + input.File_Upload
+ "&sharedBy=" + zoho.adminuser&appLinkName=test&viewLinkName=test_view
+ "'>Uploaded File</a>"


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