How can other members be invited to an event?

How can other members be invited to an event?

You can invite members for an event by following these steps:
  1. Go to the Activities tab.
  2. In the Activities Home page, select the event for which you want to invite members.
  3. In the Event Details page, under the Related List items, click Add Participants.
  4. In the Add Participants popup window, select the check box(es) of the users whom you want to invite.
    You can also select Leads or Contacts from the drop down list and invite them for the event.
  5. Click Add.
    The user will be invited for the event.
  • If an email reminder is set for the event, then both the event owner and the participants will get email reminders.
  • If a pop-up reminder is set for the event, then both the event owner and the users (in your CRM account) added as participants will get pop-up reminders.
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