How do I add a connection with trigger function?

How do I add a connection with trigger function?

To add a connection:

  1. Click  Manage Connections  and select  Add Connection. You can perform the following actions here:
  2. Select a service to trigger a function
    1. Select a service in the  Pick Your Service  section.
    2. Type a connection name in the  Connection Name  field.
    3. If there are scopes available for the service, you can select them from the  Scope  list.
    4. Select the checkbox to use the credentials of the logged in user.
    5. Click  Create and Connect .
    6. Type the API key into the  Please enter the API Key  text box.
    7. Click  Save Details .
    8. Click  Accept  to allow the users to access the listed information, and your connection status will change to Connected.
    9. Click  Reject  if you don't want to allow them to access the listed information.
    10. Click  Back  to go back to the previous page.
    11. Press  esc  to close this process.