How do I add a matrix textbox question in my survey?

How do I add a matrix textbox question in my survey?

Matrix textbox questions have multiple columns of textboxes that appear as a grid with same or different answer choice formats. 

To add a matrix textbox question in your survey:

  1. Click Matrix Textbox in the question types listed on the left pane. You can also drag and drop the question type to the builder.
  2. Type your question in the Question box.
    1. If you want to mark the question as mandatory, select the Make this question mandatory checkbox.
    2. If you want to make changes to the default Error message text that displays, edit the content in the textbox.
    3. If you want to pipe in custom variables or variables from previous questions, click the arrow next to Insert Variable right above the Question box, then select the variable you want to use from the list. Read more on Piping.
    4. Select the number of rows you want to keep as mandatory in the Required number of rows dropdown list. This can be in the form of at least, at most, exactly, or in between. If you want the respondents to answer all rows in the matrix, then select All. This option appears only if the Make this question mandatory checkbox is selected.
    5. Select the number of columns to keep as mandatory for the respondent to pick in the Required number of columns per row dropdown list. This can be in the form of at least, at most, exactly, or in between. At least one column must be selected. These two options appear only if the Make this question mandatory checkbox is selected.
  3. You can add the answer choices in the following ways in the Answer box: 
    1. If you are copying and pasting the choices in the Row label and Column label answer boxes, make sure you type in each choice on a separate line.
    2. If you want to add choices separately, click Individual Text Boxes for Each Label right above the Answer box, then start adding choices. Click + to add more boxes, and click X to delete choices.
  4. Click All columns have same answer format in the Answer format section if you want to use the same format for all the columns.
    1. Click the choices in the Format type dropdown.
      1. If you select Simple Text, select the size of the tex box and character limit in the Text box size and Text must be between fields respectively.

      2. If you select Numeric, select the size of the text box, minimum, and maximum values in the Text box sizeMinimum value, and Maximum value fields, respectively. If you want to allow using decimal values, select Allow decimal value.
      3. If you select Email, select the size of the text box in the Text box size dropdown.
      4. If you select Calendar, select the date format and date range in the corresponding fields. You can select the options — in between, after, or before — to choose a date range. The date field supports the following formats:
        1. MM/DD/YYYY
        2. MMM DD, YYYY
        3. DD/MM/YYYY
        4. DD MMM YYYY

  5. Click Each column have different answer format in the Answer format section if you want to use different formats for all the choices.
  6. Click the choices in the Format type dropdown for each column.
  7. To learn what more you can do with the question, click Advanced options. You can perform the following action:
    1. Question hint is used to add hints to your question, and help your respondents get a clear idea on what your questions are all about.
  8. Click Save.
  9. To discard the changes, click Cancel.

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