How do I create a custom report for my survey?

How do I create a custom report for my survey?

You can select questions and create customized reports. These reports can be shared or chosen by filter to show responses for specific questions.

To create a custom report:

  1. Click  Create  in the  Custom Report  section.
  2. Enter a name in the  Report name  box.
  3. Select the  Average Ratings  checkbox to include a section that consolidates the results of all the rating type questions you have selected in your custom report. Note: This field is available only when you have multiple rating type questions in your survey. Your custom report must include at least two rating type questions for this section to appear.
    Custom report average ratings
  4. Select Special Statistics checkbox to include survey visits and response status in the report.
  5. Select the questions you want to include in the report.
    1. Click  Select all  to include all questions.
    2. Select the checkbox next to a page number to select all questions from that page.
    3. Click  Create online surveys  to hide all questions from a particular section.
      1. Click the display option next to each question to select the type of report you want to generate.
      2. Select Show chart to select a chart to display your reports along with labels.
      3. Select Show data to show data without a chart.
      4. Select Show stats to display statistics.
        Create online surveys
        Note: Questions that don't support chart reporting will display just the data by default. You can also select all display options (Chart, Data, and Stats) for supported questions.
  6. Select the TURF Analysis  checkbox and select a simulation count from the  Simulation Level  dropdown. Here's a slightly more detailed description of TURF analysis.
    Custom report TURF analysis
    This option only appears in Multiple Choice (Many Answers) type questions with three to ten choices in them.
  7. Click  Save.