How do I create a new filter for my survey's reports?

How do I create a new filter for my survey's reports?

To create a new filter:

  1. Click the dropdown in the  Filter by  section.
  2. Click  Create Filter
    Create filters for reports
  3. Enter a name in the  Filter name  box.
  4. Select a time range in the  Response date range  section to view the responses in a particular time period.
    1. Select  All responses  if you want to see every response.
    2. Select  Completed responses  if you want to filter for only the completed responses.
    3. Select  Partial responses  if you want to filter for only the partial responses.
  5. Click  Select collectors  to select filter collectors. This field will be available only if you have multiple collectors.
  6. Click  Select Languages  to filter your reports based on the languages you have translated your survey in.
  7. Click  Select a question  to set the filter's logic. Select the logic you want to be applied to your filter.
    1. Click  Match all  to match all the conditions.
    2. Click  Match any  to match one or more conditions. 
    3. Click  Create online surveys  to add more logic options to the same question.
    4. Click  Create online surveys  to remove the logic options you have created.
    5. Click  Create online surveys  to delete an entire set of logic options you have created.
    6. Click  Add condition  to add new logic to a different question.
  8. Click  Save . Your new filter will be added to the Filter by dropdown menu.

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