How do I create a trend report for my survey?

How do I create a trend report for my survey?

Trend reports are used to compare and analyze trends in aggregate survey responses.
Create trend report with Zoho Survey

To create a trend report:

  1. Click  Create  in the  Trend Report section.
  2. Enter a name in the  Report name box.
  3. Select a trend frequency for your graph from the dropdown.
    1. Click  Until today and select a range to display the trend statistics.
    2. Select  For a specific time period  to select a time range.
    3. Select dates in the  From and  To calendars. 
  4. Select the  Respondent Statistics checkbox to add your survey's respondent statistics in the report.
    1. Select the questions you want to include in the report.
    2. Choose  Select all button if you want to include all the questions.
    3. Select the checkbox next to the page number to select all the questions from that page.
    4. Click  Create online surveys  to hide questions from a particular section. Click the  Display option  next each question to select the type of report you want to generate.
      1. Select  Show chart to select a chart to display your reports along with labels.
      2. Select  Show data  to show the data without a chart.
      3. Select  Show stats  to display statistics. If questions don't support chart reporting, only the data will be displayed by default. You can select all display options (Chart, Data, and Stats) for questions that support them. 
  5. Click  Save .

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