How do I personalize a question based on custom variables, URL parameters, or answers to previous questions?

How do I personalize a question based on custom variables, URL parameters, or answers to previous questions?

If you want to pipe in custom variables or variables from previous questions and customize the follow up questions, click the arrow next to Insert Variable right above the Question box, and select the variable you want to use from the list. Read more on Piping.
Insert variable feature in survey

You can also use these custom variables while piping. If you already know the respondent of your survey, for example, you can personalize your survey by removing the Name question, and creating a custom variable instead.

To add a custom variable with piping:

  1. Create a custom variable, such as name.
  2. Add the variable name in the text of your question. Read more on piping.
  3. Copy the survey URL in the Launch tab.
  4. Paste the URL into a new tab.
  5. Add '?name=<name of the respondent' to the URL. The question will automatically have the respondent's name filled in.